A1 - Experimental investigations of pyrolysis and char conversion kinetics in a well-stirred reactor under atmospheric and pressurised conditions
Examination of Pyrolysis and Char Burnout in Oxyfuel Atmosphere Using Plug Flow and Well Stirred Reactor Type Systems, 18th IFRF Members conference, Freising, Germany, 2015.
- Go to authors:
- > Gövert, B.
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Kneer, R.
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
Establishment of kinetic parameters of particle reaction from a well-stirred fluidized bed reactor, Fuel, 158: 263-269, 2015.
- Go to authors:
- > Gövert, B.
- > Maßmeyer, A.
- > Kneer, R.
Detailed analyzes of pulverized coal swirl flames in oxy-fuel atmospheres, Combustion and Flame, 172: 289-301, 2016.
- Go to authors:
- > Maßmeyer, A.
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Gövert, B.
- > Kneer, R.
Simultaneous investigation into the yields of 22 pyrolysis gases from coal and biomass in a small-scale fluidized bed reactor, Fuel, 190: 420-434, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Gövert, B.
- > Kneer, R.
CO2 and H2O Gasification under Chemically and Diffusion Controlled Conditions, 33rd Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 2016.
- Go to authors:
- > Gövert, B.
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Kneer, R.
Comparison of pyrolysis test rigs for oxy-fuel conditions, Fuel Processing Technology, 156: 461-472, 2017.
Experimental investigation of particle-laden flows in an oxy-coal combustion chamber for non-reacting conditions, Fuel, 235: 753-762, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Böhm, B.
- > Kneer, R.
- > Dreizler, A.
Influence of biomass torrefaction parameters on fast pyrolysis products under flame-equivalent conditions, Biomass and Bioenergy, 119: 392-410, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Gövert, B.
- > Hättig, C.
- > Schmid, R.
- > Kneer, R.
Bestimmung der Koksabbrand-Kinetik in einem Wirbelschichtreaktor am Beispiel einer kolumbianischen Steinkohle, 28. Deutscher Flammentag, Darmstadt, Germany, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Gövert, B.
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Kneer, R.
Measurement of reaction rates for pulverized fuel combustion in air and oxyfuel atmosphere using a novel fluidized bed reactor setup, Fuel, 201: 81-92, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Gövert, B.
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Kneer, R.
Thermal deactivation of biogenic and fossil fuels: Experimental investigation and modeling approaches, Energy Procedia, 158: 2025-2030, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Kneer, R.
Investigation of Gasification Reaction of Pulverized Char Under N2/CO2 Atmosphere in a Small-Scale Fluidized Bed Reactor, Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 138 (4): 042207, 2016.
- Go to authors:
- > Gövert, B.
- > Kneer, R.
Reactivity of biochar gasification in atmospheres of steam, carbon dioxide and their mixtures, Joint Meeting the German and Italian Sections of the Combustion Institute, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Kneer, R.
Comparison of different diagnostic techniques for the assessment of coal pyrolysis rate, Joint Meeting the German and Italian Sections of the Combustion Institute, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > Scherer, V.
- > Cerciello, F.
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Kneer, R.
- > Senneca, O.
Theoretical and experimental evaluation of a fast fluidized bed reactor for the investigation of combustion reactions, 10th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Gövert, B.
- > Kneer, R.
Development of a rapidly responding fluidized bed reactor by theoretical and experimental evaluation of combustion reactions, Fuel, 223: 462-469, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Gövert, B.
- > Kneer, R.
Impact of Torrefaction on Flash Pyrolysis Products of Biomass and Comparison to Fossil Fuels, 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Gövert, B.
- > Kneer, R.
Measurement of beech wood pyrolysis kinetics in a fluidized bed reactor, Joint Meeting the German and Italian Sections of the Combustion Institute, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Kneer, R.
A Shortcut Method to Predict Particle Size Changes during Char Combustion and Gasification under regime II Conditions, Combustion Science and Technology: 1-20, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Kneer, R.
Comparability and validity range of pyrolysis kinetics from Chinese coals obtained with different experimental setups, 9th International Symposium on Coal Combustion, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Senneca, O.
- > Cerciello, F.
- > Kneer, R.
Biomass pyrolysis kinetics in a fluidized bed reactor: Measurements and plausibility verification for reaction conditions, Fuel, 254: 115589, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Kneer, R.
Biomass pyrolysis kinetics in a fluidized bed reactor: Measurements and plausibility verification for reaction conditions: Supplementary data set, RWTH Aachen University, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Kneer, R.
Adaptation of the Chemical Percolation Devolatilization Model for Low Temperature Pyrolysis in a Fluidized Bed Reactor, Combustion Science and Technology, 52: 1-18, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Kneer, R.
Using the Chemical Percolation Devolatilization Model for Analysis of Pyrolysis Kinetics in a Fluidized Bed Reactor, 11th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Kneer, R.
Thermally induced changes in microstructure and reactivity of biogenic and fossil fuel particles, Applied Energy, 254: 113607, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Kneer, R.
The Change in Size of Char Particles During Combustion and Gasification in Regime II, 11th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Kneer, R.
Änderung von Struktur und Reaktivität durch Pyrolyse fester Brennstoffe, 29. Deutscher Flammentag, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Muhler, M.
- > Kneer, R.
Solid Fuel Kinetics for Oxy-Fuel conditions, 29. Deutscher Flammentag, 2019.
Experimental investigation and comparison of particle-laden flows in a gas-assisted oxycoal combustion chamber for reacting and non-reacting conditions, 9th European Combustion Meeting, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Böhm, B.
- > Kneer, R.
- > Dreizler, A.
Particle dynamics in a gas assisted coal combustion chamber using advanced laser diagnostics, Fuel, 269: 117188, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Böhm, B.
- > Kneer, R.
- > Dreizler, A.
Einfluss von erhöhtem Druck bei Pyrolyse, Abbrand und Vergasung alternativer Brennstoffe, Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppe Wärme- und Stoffübertragung, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Kneer, R.
Influence of oxygen and water vapor on the thermochemical conversion of fossil, biogenic and surrogate fuels, 3rd International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion, Montabaur, Germany, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Kneer, R.
Experimental determination of walnut shell pyrolysis kinetics in N2 and CO2 via thermogravimetric analysis, fluidized bed and drop tube reactors, Fuel: 119313, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Epple, B.
- > Kneer, R.
- > Scherer, V.
A1 – Experimental investigation of pyrolysis and char burnout kinetics in a Well-Stirred-Reactor under flames and burnout conditions, 2nd International Workshop on Oxy-fuel Combustion, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > Gövert, B.
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Kneer, R.
Numerische Untersuchung zur Relevanz von Teilmodellen für Pyrolyse und Koksabbrand in turbulenten drallbehafteten Flammen unter Oxyfuel-Bedingungen, 30. Deutscher Flammentag, Hannover, Germany, 2021.
Calibration and Validation of a Comprehensive Kinetic Model of Coal Conversion in Inert, Air and Oxy-Fuel Conditions Using Data from Multiple Test Rigs, Fuel, 290, 2021.
Flash Pyrolysis Kinetics of Extracted Lignocellulosic Biomass Components, Frontiers in Energy Research, 9, 2021.
- Go to authors:
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Gövert, B.
- > Kneer, R.
Flash Pyrolysis Kinetics of Extracted Lignocellulosic Biomass Components: Supplementary data set, RWTH Aachen University, 2021.
- Go to authors:
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Gövert, B.
- > Kneer, R.
Modeling of a Pilot Plant for Entrained Flow Gasification of Fuel Mixtures Containing Sewage Sludge, 13th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers, 2022.
- Go to authors:
- > Askarizadeh, H.
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Kneer, R.
Investigation of gasification reaction of pulverized char under N2/CO2 atmosphere in a small-scale fluidized bed reactor, 40th International Technical Conference on Clean Coal & Fuel Systems, Clearwater, Florida, USA, 2015.
- Go to authors:
- > Gövert, B.
- > Kneer, R.
Modelling pyrolysis kinetics of extracted biomass components with the Bio-CPD model, 12th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Kneer, R.
Development of a comprehensive kinetic model of biomass conversion in inert, air and oxy-fuel conditions, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
Coupling radiative properties with detailed char conversion kinetics, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Koch, M.
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Tarlinski, D.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Kneer, R.
Prediction of pyrolysis kinetics with models of different complexity for isolated biomass components, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Cerciello, F.
- > Hasse, C.
- > Kneer, R.
An equilibrium calculation tool with development potential for predicting phosphorus recovery from sewage sludge in entrained-flow gasifiers, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 197: 53-64, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Askarizadeh, H.
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Kneer, R.
Modeling pyrolysis kinetics of extracted biomass components with the bio-chemical percolation devolatilization model, Fuel, 360: 130454, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Kneer, R.
Modeling Pyrolysis Kinetics of Extracted Biomass Components with the Bio-Chemical Percolation Devolatilization Model: Supplementary Dataset, RWTH Aachen University, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Kneer, R.
Coupling radiative properties with detailed char conversion kinetics, Fuel, 363: 130973, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Koch, M.
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Tarlinski, D.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Kneer, R.
Dataset to "Coupling radiative properties with detailed char conversion kinetics", RWTH Aachen University, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Koch, M.
- > Tarlinski, D.
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Kneer, R.
Experimental determination of quantitative yields from polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) flash pyrolysis in a fluidized bed reactor, 14th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Kneer, R.
Numerical study on the influence of devolatilisation kinetics on pulverised solid fuel turbulent swirling flames under oxyfuel conditions, 14th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers, 2024.
Comparative analysis of pyrolysis models including SFOR, CRECK, and Bio-CPD to predict reaction kinetics and products from extracted biomass components, Fuel, 371: 131867, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Cerciello, F.
- > Hasse, C.
- > Kneer, R.
Comparative analysis of pyrolysis models including SFOR, CRECK, and Bio-CPD to predict reaction kinetics and products from extracted biomass components – Supplementary dataset, RWTH Aachen University, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Cerciello, F.
- > Hasse, C.
- > Kneer, R.
A2 - Experimental investigations of pyrolysis and char conversion kinetics in plug flow configurations with a focus on the ignition and early char burnout phase
A Standardized Method for the Characterization of Coal Ignition Under Oxyfuel Conditions, 32nd Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, 2015.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
Effect of CO2 on chars produced from coal and biomass at high heating rates, 39th Meeting of the Italian Section of the Combustion Institute, Naples, Italy, 2016.
- Go to authors:
- > Cerciello, F.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Senneca, O.
Effect of CO2 on coal pyrolysis at high and low heating rates on char reactivity, 39th Meeting of the Italian Section of the Combustion Institute, Naples, Italy, 2016.
- Go to authors:
- > Cerciello, F.
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Senneca, O.
Examination of Pyrolysis and Char Burnout in Oxyfuel Atmosphere Using Plug Flow and Well Stirred Reactor Type Systems, 18th IFRF Members conference, Freising, Germany, 2015.
- Go to authors:
- > Gövert, B.
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Kneer, R.
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
Determination of devolatilization kinetics in inert and CO2-enriched atmospheres in a plug flow reactor, 32nd Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, 2015.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
Effects of oxy-fuel conditions on the products of pyrolysis in a drop tube reactor, Fuel Processing Technology, 150: 41-49, 2016.
- Go to authors:
- > Senneca, O.
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Muhler, M.
- > Scherer, V.
Comparison of pyrolysis test rigs for oxy-fuel conditions, Fuel Processing Technology, 156: 461-472, 2017.
Combustion behavior of herbaceous and woody biomass, 41st International Technical Conference on Clean Coal & Fuel Systems, 2016.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
Separation and characterization of size-segregated fractions (soot and char) of carbonaceous particulate produced from coal pyrolysis, 39th Meeting of the Italian Section of the Combustion Institute, Naples, Italy, 2016.
Experimentation for char combustion kinetics measurements: Bias from char preparation, Fuel Processing Technology, 151: 155-165, 2016.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
Pyrometrische Bestimmung von Koksabbrandkinetiken unter Oxyfuel-Bedingungen, 27. Deutscher Flammentag, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany, 2015.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
Effects of CO2 on submicronic carbon particulate (soot) formed during coal pyrolysis in a drop tube reactor, Combustion and Flame, 172: 302-308, 2016.
- Go to authors:
- > Senneca, O.
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
Stereoscopic pyrometer for char combustion characterization, Applied Optics, 54 (5): 1097-1108, 2015.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
Determination of char combustion kinetics parameters: comparison of point detector and imaging-based particle-sizing pyrometry, The Review of Scientific Instruments, 85 (7): 075114, 2014.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
Characterization of single coal particle combustion within oxygen-enriched environments using high-speed OH-PLIF, Applied Physics B, 121 (4): 459-464, 2015.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Böhm, B.
- > Dreizler, A.
Devolatilization and volatiles reaction of individual coal particles in the context of FGM tabulated chemistry, Combustion and Flame, 169: 72-84, 2016.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Janicka, J.
Resolved simulations of single char particle combustion in a laminar flow field, Fuel, 201: 15-28, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Pitsch, H.
Oxidation characteristics of a cellulose-derived hydrochar in thermogravimetric and laminar flow burner experiments, Fuel Processing Technology, 148: 85-90, 2016.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Muhler, M.
Separation and characterization of carbonaceous particulate (soot and char) produced from fast pyrolysis of coal in inert and CO2 atmospheres, Fuel, 201: 118-123, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Senneca, O.
- > Cerciello, F.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Schiemann, M.
Sorption measurements for determining surface effects and structure of solid fuels, Fuel Processing Technology, 153: 81-86, 2016.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Span, R.
Combustion investigations with Colombian coal: Summary of experiments and numerical interpretation, 42nd International Technical Conference on Clean Energy, Clearwater, Florida, USA, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
Comparative ignition tests of coal under oxy-fuel conditions in a standardized laboratory test rig, Fuel, 208: 127-136, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
Assessment of combustion rates of coal chars for oxy-combustion applications, 2nd International Workshop on Oxy-fuel Combustion, Bochum, Germany, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > Senneca, O.
- > Cerciello, F.
- > Span, R.
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Muhler, M.
- > Scherer, V.
CO2 gasification of biomass chars derived from fast pyrolysis of birch bark and forest residues, 2nd International Workshop on Oxy-fuel Combustion, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > Scherer, V.
Modeling and Simulation of Coal Ignition and Combustion under Oxy-Fuel Condition, 2nd International Workshop on Oxy-fuel Combustion, Bochum, Germany, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Pitsch, H.
Effektive Diffusionskoeffizienten in Kokspartikeln aus Oxyfuel-Feuerungen, 28. Deutscher Flammentag, 395-406, Darmstadt, Germany, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Span, R.
- > Scherer, V.
Effects of oxy-fuel conditions on walnut shells pyrolysis in a drop tube reactor, 10th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, Naples, Italy, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Senneca, O.
- > Cerciello, F.
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
Slow pyrolysis of walnut shells in nitrogen and carbon dioxide, Fuel, 225: 419-425, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > Senneca, O.
- > Cerciello, F.
Effects of CO2 enriched atmosphere on chars from walnut shells pyrolysis in a drop tube reactor, Fuel, 229: 235-240, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > Senneca, O.
- > Cerciello, F.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Schiemann, M.
Pulverized coal ignition testing under air-fired conditions using the Zelkowski method: comparison of coals of different rank and provenience, Energy Procedia, 120: 173-180, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
Characterization of tar produced from walnut shells pyrolysis, 40th Meeting of the Italian Section of the Combustion Institute, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Scherer, V.
- > Muhler, M.
- > Senneca, O.
Slow pyrolysis of walnut shells in nitrogen and carbon dioxide, 10th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, Naples, Italy, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Senneca, O.
- > Cerciello, F.
Optical investigation of char combustion kinetics under oxy-fuel conditions, IFRF 2018 Conference, Sheffield, United Kingdom, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > Scherer, V.
- > Schiemann, M.
Pyrolysis and Thermal Annealing of Coal and Biomass in CO2-Rich Atmospheres, Energy & Fuels, 32 (10): 10701-10708, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > Senneca, O.
- > Cerciello, F.
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Muhler, M.
- > Scherer, V.
Fragmentation of pulverized coal in a laminar drop tube reactor: Experiments and model, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > Senneca, O.
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
Assessment of combustion rates of coal chars for oxy-combustion applications, Fuel, 238: 173-185, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Senneca, O.
- > Cerciello, F.
- > Span, R.
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Muhler, M.
- > Scherer, V.
An Alternative Approach for the Estimation of Biochar Yields, Energy & Fuels, 32 (9): 9506-9512, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > Scherer, V.
A New Variable Transport Coefficient Single-Film Model for Char Combustion, 8th European Combustion Meeting, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Pitsch, H.
Evolution of coal char porosity from CO2-pyrolysis experiments, Fuel, 253: 1457-1464, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Span, R.
Adaptation of the Chemical Percolation Devolatilization Model for Low Temperature Pyrolysis in a Fluidized Bed Reactor, Combustion Science and Technology, 52: 1-18, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Kneer, R.
Solid Fuel Kinetics for Oxy-Fuel conditions, 29. Deutscher Flammentag, 2019.
Hydrothermal carbonisierte mikrokristalline Cellulose als aschefreier Modellbrennstoff für Flachflammenbrenner, 29. Deutscher Flammentag, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Scherer, V.
- > Muhler, M.
Differences in Formation and Oxidation Of Colombian Coal Chars in Air and Oxy-Fuel Atmospheres, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 74: 151-156, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Faravelli, T.
- > Hasse, C.
- > Scherer, V.
Experimental determination of walnut shell pyrolysis kinetics in N2 and CO2 via thermogravimetric analysis, fluidized bed and drop tube reactors, Fuel: 119313, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Epple, B.
- > Kneer, R.
- > Scherer, V.
Effect of O2/CO2 atmospheres on coal fragmentation, Fuel, 267: 117145, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Scherer, V.
- > Senneca, O.
The Catalytic Influence of Doped Metals on the Pyrolysis Product Distribution and Resulting Chars of Hydrothermally Derived Model Fuels, 3rd International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Muhler, M.
A2 – Influence of water vapour on tar and gas formation during biomass pyrolysis under N2 and CO2 atmosphere in a drop tube reactor, 3rd International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Senneca, O.
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
Catalytic Influence of Mineral Compounds on the Reactivity of Cellulose-Derived Char in O2-, CO2-, and H2O-Containing Atmospheres, Fuel, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Hasse, C.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Muhler, M.
Extension of the Thermal Annealing Concepts developed for coal combustion to conversion of lignocellulosic biomass, Energy & Fuels, 34 (3): 3661-3670, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Senneca, O.
- > Cerciello, F.
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
Comprehensive Data Set of Single Particle Combustion under Oxy-fuel Conditions, Part I: Measurement Technique, Combustion Science and Technology, 56 (2): 1-22, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
Comprehensive Data Set of Single Particle Combustion under Oxy-fuel Conditions, Part II: Data Set, Combustion Science and Technology, 5 (1): 1-16, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
Evolution of micro- and mesopore structure during pyrolysis of coal and biomass in different atmospheres, 3rd International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Span, R.
Calibration and Validation of a Comprehensive Kinetic Model of Coal Conversion in Inert, Air and Oxy-Fuel Conditions Using Data from Multiple Test Rigs, Fuel, 290, 2021.
Adjoint-based sensitivity analysis of char combustion surface reaction kinetics, Fuel, 287, 2021.
- Go to authors:
- > Sayadi, T.
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
Catalytic effects for cellulose-based model fuels under low and high heating rate in air and oxy-fuel atmosphere, Fuel, 324: 124437, 2022.
Char burnout of walnut shells using optical measurement techniques and first comparison of the experimental data to the CCK model, 46th International Technical Conference on Clean Energy, 2022.
Flash pyrolysis of walnut shells and poplar in N2 and CO2: pyrolysis kinetics, pore evolution and a model for evaluation of pyrolysis species, 13th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers, 2022.
- Go to authors:
- > Freisewinkel, E.
- > Eisenbach, T.
- > Span, R.
- > Senneca, O.
- > Scherer, V.
Mineral effects on chemical and physical transformations of cellulose-based model fuels in N2 and CO2 atmospheres, 23rd edition of the International Conference on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2022.
Mineral effects on chemical and physical transformations of cellulose-based model fuels in N2 and CO2 atmospheres, 13th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers, 2022.
Xylan fast pyrolysis: An experimental and modelling study of particle changes and volatiles release, 12th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Cerciello, F.
- > Freisewinkel, E.
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Senneca, O.
Mineral effects on chemical and physical transformations of fast pyrolysis products of cellulose-based model fuels in N2 and CO2, Fuel, 340: 127477, 2023.
Biomass pyrolysis: Critical issue on tar analysis, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
BE4G ultra-low emissions biomass burner: Modelling procedure and full-scale test results, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Senneca, O.
- > Cerciello, F.
Development of a comprehensive kinetic model of biomass conversion in inert, air and oxy-fuel conditions, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
Coupling radiative properties with detailed char conversion kinetics, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Koch, M.
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Tarlinski, D.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Kneer, R.
Investigations on solid fuel particle porosities and their influence on the particle radiation interaction, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
Enhancement of a detailed char conversion model for biomass combustion in oxy-fuel atmospheres, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Tarlinski, D.
- > Freisewinkel, E.
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
Coupling radiative properties with detailed char conversion kinetics, Fuel, 363: 130973, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Koch, M.
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Tarlinski, D.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Kneer, R.
Dataset to "Coupling radiative properties with detailed char conversion kinetics", RWTH Aachen University, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Koch, M.
- > Tarlinski, D.
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Kneer, R.
Combustion of single walnut shell particles in a laminar flow reactor under oxy-fuel conditions: Optical measurements and particle sampling, Fuel, 369: 131613, 2024.
Optical measurements of pulverized pine needles burning in a drop tube furnace, 48th International Conference on Clean Energy, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Tarlinski, D.
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
Porosity of biomass char: A novel determination method and changes in walnut shell with progressing pyrolysis, 48th International Conference on Clean Energy, 2024.
Xylan fast pyrolysis: An experimental and modelling study of particle changes and volatiles release, Fuel, 357: 129983, 2024.
A3(F) - Experimental determination of reaction kinetics for the release of chlorine and sulphur species and for the conversion of these species in the gas phase
Sulfur and Chlorine Gas Species Formation during Coal Pyrolysis in Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide Atmosphere, Energy & Fuels, 30 (9): 7713-7720, 2016.
- Go to authors:
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Epple, B.
Comparison of CFD Simulations with Measurements of Gaseous Sulfur Species Concentrations in a Pulverized Coal Fired 1 MWth Furnace, Energy & Fuels, 30 (11): 9836-9849, 2016.
- Go to authors:
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Epple, B.
Release of sulfur and chlorine gas species during coal combustion and pyrolysis in an entrained flow reactor, Fuel, 201: 105-110, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Epple, B.
Modification of a model for sulfur release during coal pyrolysis to account for oxy-fuel conditions, 2nd International Workshop on Oxy-fuel Combustion, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Epple, B.
Validation of a comprehensive kinetic mechanism for sulfur release during pyrolysis of solid fuels, 9th International Symposium on Coal Combustion, Qingdao, China, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Epple, B.
- > Faravelli, T.
- > Hasse, C.
Experimental and modeling assessment of sulfur release from coal under low and high heating rates, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Epple, B.
- > Faravelli, T.
- > Hasse, C.
Simulation study of the formation of corrosive gases in coal combustion in an entrained flow reactor, Energies, 13 (17): 4523, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Epple, B.
Release of nitrogen, sulfur and chlorine species from coal in carbon dioxide atmosphere, Fuel, 284: 119279, 2021.
- Go to authors:
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Epple, B.
Experimental Assessment of the Release of Nitrogen, Sulfur and Chlorine Species During Pyrolysis of Coal and Biomass in CO2 Atmosphere, 3rd International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Epple, B.
Experimental determination of walnut shell pyrolysis kinetics in N2 and CO2 via thermogravimetric analysis, fluidized bed and drop tube reactors, Fuel: 119313, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Epple, B.
- > Kneer, R.
- > Scherer, V.
Sulfur and Chlorine Gas Species Formation during Temperature-Programmed Coal Air- and Oxy-fuel Combustion, 13th International Conference on Energy for a Clean Environment, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Epple, B.
Systematic evaluation and kinetic modeling of low heating rate sulfur release in pyrolysis and oxidation in various atmospheres, 3rd International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion, Montabaur, Germany, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Epple, B.
- > Faravelli, T.
- > Hasse, C.
Sulfur and Chlorine Gas Species Formation during Temperature-Programmed Air and Oxy-fuel Combustion of Coal, Energies: (submitted), 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Muhler, M.
- > Epple, B.
Systematic evaluation and kinetic modeling of low heating rate sulfur release in various atmospheres, Fuel, 289: 119739, 2021.
- Go to authors:
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Epple, B.
- > Faravelli, T.
- > Hasse, C.
A5 - Kinetic investigations of the effect of catalytically active minerals in biomass-derived solid fuels on pyrolysis and char conversion under oxy-fuel conditions
Synthesis and characterization of lignite-like fuels obtained by hydrothermal carbonization of cellulose, Fuel, 171: 54-58, 2016.
- Go to authors:
- > Muhler, M.
Catalytic influence of minerals on the combustion behavior of a cellulose-derived solid fuel, 48. Jahrestreffen Deutscher Katalytiker, Weimar, Germany, 2015.
- Go to authors:
- > Muhler, M.
Synthetic Lignite-like Fuel for Oxy-fuel Combustion, 49. Jahrestreffen Deutscher Katalytiker, Weimar, Germany, 2016.
- Go to authors:
- > Muhler, M.
Oxidation characteristics of a cellulose-derived hydrochar in thermogravimetric and laminar flow burner experiments, Fuel Processing Technology, 148: 85-90, 2016.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Muhler, M.
Effects of oxy-fuel conditions on the products of pyrolysis in a drop tube reactor, Fuel Processing Technology, 150: 41-49, 2016.
- Go to authors:
- > Senneca, O.
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Muhler, M.
- > Scherer, V.
The influence of iron oxide on the oxidation kinetics of synthetic char derived from thermogravimetric analysis and fixed-bed experiments under isothermal and temperature-programmed conditions, Fuel, 201: 99-104, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Muhler, M.
On the alternating physicochemical characteristics of Colombian coal during pyrolysis, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 123: 12-19, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Muhler, M.
- > Span, R.
Assessment of combustion rates of coal chars for oxy-combustion applications, 2nd International Workshop on Oxy-fuel Combustion, Bochum, Germany, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > Senneca, O.
- > Cerciello, F.
- > Span, R.
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Muhler, M.
- > Scherer, V.
Characterization of tar produced from walnut shells pyrolysis, 40th Meeting of the Italian Section of the Combustion Institute, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Scherer, V.
- > Muhler, M.
- > Senneca, O.
Emissivity Comparison between Chars and Demineralized Coal Chars under Oxycombustion Conditions, Chemical Engineering & Technology, 41 (7): 1490-1496, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > Cerciello, F.
- > Muhler, M.
- > Schiemann, M.
Assessment of combustion rates of coal chars for oxy-combustion applications, Fuel, 238: 173-185, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Senneca, O.
- > Cerciello, F.
- > Span, R.
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Muhler, M.
- > Scherer, V.
The impact of mineral matter on the evolved pyrolysis gases, 2nd International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > Muhler, M.
Kinetic analysis of temperature-programmed and isothermal hydrochar oxidation experiments, European Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering, Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany, 2015.
- Go to authors:
- > Muhler, M.
Nitrogen-Doped Metal-Free Carbon Materials Derived from Cellulose as Electrocatalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction, ChemElectroChem, 1: 16064, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > Muhler, M.
Detailed Investigations on Particle Related Effects in Oxy-Fuel Coal Combustion: Pyrolysis, Char Burnout and Release of Sulphur and Chlorine Components, 1st International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion, 2016.
- Go to authors:
- > Muhler, M.
Pyrolysis and Thermal Annealing of Coal and Biomass in CO2-Rich Atmospheres, Energy & Fuels, 32 (10): 10701-10708, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > Senneca, O.
- > Cerciello, F.
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Muhler, M.
- > Scherer, V.
Catalytic effect of iron phases on the oxidation of cellulose-derived synthetic char, Energy Procedia, 158: 694-699, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Muhler, M.
Tuning the Properties of Iron-Doped Porous Graphitic Carbon Synthesized by Hydrothermal Carbonization of Cellulose and Subsequent Pyrolysis, ACS Omega, 4 (2): 4448-4460, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Muhler, M.
Hydrothermal carbonisierte mikrokristalline Cellulose als aschefreier Modellbrennstoff für Flachflammenbrenner, 29. Deutscher Flammentag, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Scherer, V.
- > Muhler, M.
Pyrolysis-GC/MS-GC/TCD: Analysis of broad product distributions evolving during coal pyrolysis, Pyrolysis GC-MS User Meeting, 2019.
The Catalytic Influence of Doped Metals on the Pyrolysis Product Distribution and Resulting Chars of Hydrothermally Derived Model Fuels, 3rd International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Muhler, M.
Catalytic Influence of Mineral Compounds on the Reactivity of Cellulose-Derived Char in O2-, CO2-, and H2O-Containing Atmospheres, Fuel, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Hasse, C.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Muhler, M.
Simultaneous analysis of light gases and heavy pyrolyzates evolved from lignite and hard coal by pyrolysis–GC/MS–GC/TCD, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 149: 104833, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Muhler, M.
Reactivity of mineral-free and doped synthetic chars in O2-, CO2-, and H2O-containing atmospheres, 3rd International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Muhler, M.
Thermal treatment of lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose in nitrogen and carbon dioxide, Fuel, 271: 117656, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Senneca, O.
- > Cerciello, F.
- > Muhler, M.
Influence of Mineral Composition of Chars Derived by Hydrothermal Carbonization on Sorption Behavior of CO2, CH4, and O2, ACS Omega, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Span, R.
- > Muhler, M.
High temperature pyrolysis of lignite and synthetic carbons, Fuel, 241: 264-272, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Muhler, M.
- > Cerciello, F.
- > Senneca, O.
Änderung von Struktur und Reaktivität durch Pyrolyse fester Brennstoffe, 29. Deutscher Flammentag, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Muhler, M.
- > Kneer, R.
Effects of pressure on lignocellulosic biomass fast pyrolysis in nitrogen and carbon dioxide, Fuel: 119604, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Cerciello, F.
- > Senneca, O.
Catalytic effects for cellulose-based model fuels under low and high heating rate in air and oxy-fuel atmosphere, Fuel, 324: 124437, 2022.
Catalytic influence of minerals on cellulose-based model fuels and model chars in oxidation and gasification, 30. Deutscher Flammentag, 2021.
- Go to authors:
- > Böttger, J.
- > Cerciello, F.
- > Muhler, M.
Green coal substitutes for boilers through hydrothermal carbonization of biomass, 13th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers, 2022.
- Go to authors:
- > Böttger, J.
- > Senneca, O.
- > Muhler, M.
- > Cerciello, F.
Hydrothermal carbonization of biomass: influence of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin, 23rd edition of the International Conference on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2022.
- Go to authors:
- > Böttger, J.
- > Muhler, M.
- > Cerciello, F.
Kinetic investigations on catalytic properties of mineral matter in oxy-fuel combustion, 2nd International Workshop on Oxy-fuel Combustion, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > Muhler, M.
Mineral effects on chemical and physical transformations of cellulose-based model fuels in N2 and CO2 atmospheres, 23rd edition of the International Conference on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2022.
Mineral effects on chemical and physical transformations of cellulose-based model fuels in N2 and CO2 atmospheres, 13th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers, 2022.
Sulfur and Chlorine Gas Species Formation during Temperature-Programmed Air and Oxy-fuel Combustion of Coal, Energies: (submitted), 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Muhler, M.
- > Epple, B.
The catalytic effect of iron on the oxidation of cellulose-derived chars, 55. Jahrestreffen Deutscher Katalytiker, 2022.
- Go to authors:
- > Böttger, J.
- > Cerciello, F.
- > Muhler, M.
The influence of iron oxide on the oxidation kinetics of synthetic char, 50.~Jahrestreffen Deutscher Katalytiker, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Muhler, M.
Xylan fast pyrolysis: An experimental and modelling study of particle changes and volatiles release, 12th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Cerciello, F.
- > Freisewinkel, E.
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Senneca, O.
Green coal substitutes for boilers through hydrothermal carbonization of biomass: Pyrolysis and combustion behavior, Fuel, 344: 128025, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Böttger, J.
- > Senneca, O.
- > Muhler, M.
- > Cerciello, F.
The Catalytic Effect of Iron and Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metal Sulfates Loading Series on the Conversion of Cellulose-Derived Hydrochars and Chars, ACS Omega, 8 (11): 10629-10639, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Böttger, J.
- > Cerciello, F.
- > Muhler, M.
Mineral effects on chemical and physical transformations of fast pyrolysis products of cellulose-based model fuels in N2 and CO2, Fuel, 340: 127477, 2023.
Kinetics of combustion of lignocellulosic biomass: Recent research and critical issues, Fuel, 347: 128310, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Senneca, O.
- > Cerciello, F.
Experimental Investigations on the Adsorptive Behavior of H2O Vapor on HTC Char Particles, 14th International Conference on Applied Energy, 2022.
- Go to authors:
- > Eisenbach, T.
- > Muhler, M.
- > Span, R.
The Catalytic Effect of Iron Oxide Phases on the Conversion of Cellulose-Derived Chars, 14th International Conference on Applied Energy, 2022.
- Go to authors:
- > Böttger, J.
- > Muhler, M.
- > Cerciello, F.
Thermicity of the Decomposition of Oxygen Functional Groups on Cellulose-Derived Chars, ACS Omega, 7 (51): 48606-48614, 2022.
- Go to authors:
- > Schmitz, G.
- > Senneca, O.
- > Schmid, R.
- > Cerciello, F.
- > Muhler, M.
Influence of minerals on the pyrolysis of hydrothermally carbonized biomass, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Böttger, J.
- > Senneca, O.
- > Muhler, M.
- > Cerciello, F.
Biomass pyrolysis: Critical issue on tar analysis, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
Effects of pyrolysis reactor types on the bioproduct compositions of tannery fleshing waste, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Cerciello, F.
- > Senneca, O.
BE4G ultra-low emissions biomass burner: Modelling procedure and full-scale test results, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Senneca, O.
- > Cerciello, F.
Development of a comprehensive kinetic model of biomass conversion in inert, air and oxy-fuel conditions, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
Correlation of chemical and structural pore properties and H2O vapor adsorption in biomass char particles, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Eisenbach, T.
- > Muhler, M.
- > Span, R.
Fast pyrolysis of biomass of different type and origin: Effect on bio-oil and char, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Cerciello, F.
- > Senneca, O.
Use of egg shells wastes for catalytic pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Cerciello, F.
- > Senneca, O.
Prediction of pyrolysis kinetics with models of different complexity for isolated biomass components, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Cerciello, F.
- > Hasse, C.
- > Kneer, R.
Hydrothermally Carbonization of Biomass: Influence of the Cellulose, Hemicellulose and Lignin Content, 31. Deutscher Flammentag, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Böttger, J.
- > Muhler, M.
- > Cerciello, F.
Untersuchung der Korrelation von Wasserdampfadsorption und chemischen und strukturellen Eigenschaften von Biomassekoksen, Thermodynamik-Kolloquium, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Eisenbach, T.
- > Muhler, M.
- > Schmid, R.
- > Span, R.
The catalytic effect of iron oxide phases on the conversion of cellulose-derived chars in diluted O2 and CO2, Applied Energy, 353: 122068, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Böttger, J.
- > Muhler, M.
- > Cerciello, F.
Porosity of biomass char: A novel determination method and changes in walnut shell with progressing pyrolysis, 48th International Conference on Clean Energy, 2024.
Comparative analysis of pyrolysis models including SFOR, CRECK, and Bio-CPD to predict reaction kinetics and products from extracted biomass components, Fuel, 371: 131867, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Cerciello, F.
- > Hasse, C.
- > Kneer, R.
Comparative analysis of pyrolysis models including SFOR, CRECK, and Bio-CPD to predict reaction kinetics and products from extracted biomass components – Supplementary dataset, RWTH Aachen University, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Cerciello, F.
- > Hasse, C.
- > Kneer, R.
Xylan fast pyrolysis: An experimental and modelling study of particle changes and volatiles release, Fuel, 357: 129983, 2024.
A6 - Determination of excess-sorptive kinetics and equilibrium loadings of oxy-fuel gas components on solid fuels
High Temperature Sorption Measurements for Determining Surface Effects of Solid Fuels, Energy Procedia, 61: 1501-1504, 2014.
- Go to authors:
- > Span, R.
New sample carrier systems for thermogravimetric analysis under forced flow conditions and their influence on microkinetic results, Review of Scientific Instruments, 86 (9): 095104, 2015.
Sorption measurements for determining surface effects and structure of solid fuels, Fuel Processing Technology, 153: 81-86, 2016.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Span, R.
Assessment of combustion rates of coal chars for oxy-combustion applications, 2nd International Workshop on Oxy-fuel Combustion, Bochum, Germany, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > Senneca, O.
- > Cerciello, F.
- > Span, R.
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Muhler, M.
- > Scherer, V.
Effektive Diffusionskoeffizienten in Kokspartikeln aus Oxyfuel-Feuerungen, 28. Deutscher Flammentag, 395-406, Darmstadt, Germany, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Span, R.
- > Scherer, V.
On the alternating physicochemical characteristics of Colombian coal during pyrolysis, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 123: 12-19, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Muhler, M.
- > Span, R.
Integration of sorption kinetics in carbon conversion modeling for the description of oxyfuel combustion processes, Energy Procedia, 142: 1361-1366, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Span, R.
Gas Diffusion and Sorption in Carbon Conversion, Energy Procedia, 158: 1792-1797, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Span, R.
Assessment of combustion rates of coal chars for oxy-combustion applications, Fuel, 238: 173-185, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Senneca, O.
- > Cerciello, F.
- > Span, R.
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Muhler, M.
- > Scherer, V.
Hochtemperatur-Sorptionsmessungen für die Bestimmung von Oberflächeneffekten an Festbrennstoffen, Thermodynamik-Kolloquium 2014, 2014.
Sorption Kinetics of CO2, CH4 and O2 on Cellulose-based Hydrochars for Carbon Conversion Modelling, Thermodynamik-Kolloquium 2018, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > Span, R.
Sorptive determination of effective diffusion coefficients for integration in carbon conversion models, 2nd International Workshop on Oxy-fuel Combustion, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > Span, R.
Oxyfuel Combustion – Experimental Investigation of Sorption Effects on Coal Char, Energy Procedia, 105: 1847-1851, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Span, R.
Adsorption und Diffusion bei der Oxyfuel-Verbrennung: Graphit als Türöffner zur Verknüpfung von Experiment und MD-Simulation, Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppen Adsorption und Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Span, R.
Evolution of coal char porosity from CO2-pyrolysis experiments, Fuel, 253: 1457-1464, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Span, R.
Adsorption and diffusion in oxyfuel combustion – Linking experiment and MD simulation through graphite structures as a first example, Diffusion Fundamentals 8, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Hättig, C.
- > Schmid, R.
- > Span, R.
Influence of Mineral Composition of Chars Derived by Hydrothermal Carbonization on Sorption Behavior of CO2, CH4, and O2, ACS Omega, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Span, R.
- > Muhler, M.
Evolution of micro- and mesopore structure during pyrolysis of coal and biomass in different atmospheres, 3rd International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Span, R.
A pore-structure dependent kinetic adsorption model for consideration in char conversion – Adsorption kinetics of CO2 on biomass chars, Chemical Engineering Science: 116281, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Span, R.
Comparison of micro- and macropore evolution of coal char during pyrolysis, Fuel, 275: 117845, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Span, R.
Adsorption und Diffusion bei der Oxyfuel-Verbrennung von Festbrennstoffen: Vergleich von Experiment und MD-Simulation, 29. Deutscher Flammentag, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Hättig, C.
- > Schmid, R.
- > Span, R.
A first parameterization of the pore-structure dependent kinetic adsorption model for O2 adsorption in biomass conversion modeling, 13th International Conference on Applied Energy, 2021.
- Go to authors:
- > Eisenbach, T.
- > Span, R.
Char burnout of walnut shells using optical measurement techniques and first comparison of the experimental data to the CCK model, 46th International Technical Conference on Clean Energy, 2022.
Flash pyrolysis of walnut shells and poplar in N2 and CO2: pyrolysis kinetics, pore evolution and a model for evaluation of pyrolysis species, 13th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers, 2022.
- Go to authors:
- > Freisewinkel, E.
- > Eisenbach, T.
- > Span, R.
- > Senneca, O.
- > Scherer, V.
Micropore Analysis of Biomass Chars by CO2 Adsorption: Comparison of Different Analysis Methods, Energy & Fuels, 35 (10): 8799-8806, 2021.
- Go to authors:
- > Span, R.
Mineral effects on chemical and physical transformations of fast pyrolysis products of cellulose-based model fuels in N2 and CO2, Fuel, 340: 127477, 2023.
Adsorption measurements: An experimental basis for the determination of pore structure and mass transport properties, Workshop on thermophysical properties and related topics, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Eisenbach, T.
- > Span, R.
Experimental Investigations on the Adsorptive Behavior of H2O Vapor on HTC Char Particles, 14th International Conference on Applied Energy, 2022.
- Go to authors:
- > Eisenbach, T.
- > Muhler, M.
- > Span, R.
Experimental investigations on the adsorptive mass transfer of H2O vapor on biomass char particles, Thermodynamik-Kolloquium, 2022.
- Go to authors:
- > Eisenbach, T.
- > Span, R.
Experimental investigation on the adsorptive mass transfer of H2O vapor on HTC char particles, 1st International Workshop on Reacting Particle-Gas Systems, 2022.
- Go to authors:
- > Eisenbach, T.
- > Span, R.
Correlation of chemical and structural pore properties and H2O vapor adsorption in biomass char particles, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Eisenbach, T.
- > Muhler, M.
- > Span, R.
Untersuchung der Korrelation von Wasserdampfadsorption und chemischen und strukturellen Eigenschaften von Biomassekoksen, Thermodynamik-Kolloquium, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Eisenbach, T.
- > Muhler, M.
- > Schmid, R.
- > Span, R.
Experimental investigation and modeling of mass transport properties of O2 in biomass chars, Chemical Engineering Science, 287: 119735, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Eisenbach, T.
- > Span, R.
Combustion of single walnut shell particles in a laminar flow reactor under oxy-fuel conditions: Optical measurements and particle sampling, Fuel, 369: 131613, 2024.
Porosity of biomass char: A novel determination method and changes in walnut shell with progressing pyrolysis, 48th International Conference on Clean Energy, 2024.
A7 - Atomistic multiscale simulations of char conversion
Influence of biomass torrefaction parameters on fast pyrolysis products under flame-equivalent conditions, Biomass and Bioenergy, 119: 392-410, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Gövert, B.
- > Hättig, C.
- > Schmid, R.
- > Kneer, R.
Density functional theory study of CO formation through reactions of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with atomic oxygen (O(3P)), Fuel, 241: 851-860, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Hättig, C.
Computational Chemistry as a Tool for Predictive Combustion Modelling, 14th International Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Hättig, C.
- > Schmid, R.
Adsorption und Diffusion bei der Oxyfuel-Verbrennung von Festbrennstoffen: Vergleich von Experiment und MD-Simulation, 29. Deutscher Flammentag, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Hättig, C.
- > Schmid, R.
- > Span, R.
Adsorption and diffusion in oxyfuel combustion – Linking experiment and MD simulation through graphite structures as a first example, Diffusion Fundamentals 8, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Hättig, C.
- > Schmid, R.
- > Span, R.
In silico design of atomistic char models of curved stacked carbon layers, 11th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Schmid, R.
Can small polyaromatics describe their larger counterparts for local reactions? A computational study on the H-abstraction reaction by an H-atom from polyaromatics, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Schmitz, G.
- > Hättig, C.
- > Schmid, R.
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Hasse, C.
- > Faravelli, T.
Oxygenated PAH formation chemistry investigation in anisole jet stirred reactor oxidation by a thermodynamic approach, 3rd International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Schmid, R.
- > Pitsch, H.
Oxygenated PAH Formation Chemistry Investigation in Anisole Jet Stirred Reactor Oxidation by a Thermodynamic Approach, Energy & Fuels, 35 (2), 2021.
- Go to authors:
- > Schmid, R.
- > Pitsch, H.
An automatized workflow from molecular dynamic simulation to quantum chemical methods to identify elementary reactions and compute reaction constants, Journal of Computational Chemistry, 2021.
- Go to authors:
- > Schmitz, G.
- > Schnieder, B.
- > Schmid, R.
- > Hättig, C.
Automated Rotating TEM Simulations of Graphitic Material, Energy Proceedings, 28, 2022.
- Go to authors:
- > Schmid, R.
Thermicity of the Decomposition of Oxygen Functional Groups on Cellulose-Derived Chars, ACS Omega, 7 (51): 48606-48614, 2022.
- Go to authors:
- > Schmitz, G.
- > Senneca, O.
- > Schmid, R.
- > Cerciello, F.
- > Muhler, M.
Structural char models including oxygen functional groups, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Schmid, R.
Evolution of oxygen functional groups during char burnout, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Schmitz, G.
- > Hättig, C.
Untersuchung der Korrelation von Wasserdampfadsorption und chemischen und strukturellen Eigenschaften von Biomassekoksen, Thermodynamik-Kolloquium, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Eisenbach, T.
- > Muhler, M.
- > Schmid, R.
- > Span, R.
A computational chemistry study on the evolution of oxygen functional groups during char burnout, Fuel, 365: 131217, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Schmitz, G.
- > Schmid, R.
- > Schnieder, B.
- > Hättig, C.
Raw data to "A Computational Chemistry Study on the Evolution of Oxygen Functional Groups During Char Burnout", Zenodo, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Schnieder, B.
- > Hättig, C.
- > Schmitz, G.
- > Schmid, R.
HyATraX, Zenodo, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Schnieder, B.
- > Schmid, R.
- > Hättig, C.
Towards realistic structural char models: Generation of stacked graphene-like layers using constrained reactive molecular dynamics simulations, Fuel, 372: 132064, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Schmid, R.
A8 - Development of a comprehensive kinetic model for the conversion of solid fuels in oxy-fuel atmospheres
Solid Fuel Kinetics for Oxy-Fuel conditions, 29. Deutscher Flammentag, 2019.
Differences in Formation and Oxidation Of Colombian Coal Chars in Air and Oxy-Fuel Atmospheres, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 74: 151-156, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Faravelli, T.
- > Hasse, C.
- > Scherer, V.
Validation of a comprehensive kinetic mechanism for sulfur release during pyrolysis of solid fuels, 9th International Symposium on Coal Combustion, Qingdao, China, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Epple, B.
- > Faravelli, T.
- > Hasse, C.
Multi-dimensional and transient effects on flamelet modeling for turbulent pulverized coal combustion, Fuel, 255: 115772, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Hasse, C.
Flamelet tabulation methods for solid fuel combustion with fuel-bound nitrogen, Combustion and Flame, 209: 155-166, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Hasse, C.
Towards predictive CFD simulations of coal combustion – using Machine Learning for efficient representation of solid fuel kinetics, 9th International Symposium on Coal Combustion, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Nicolai, H.
- > Janicka, J.
- > Hasse, C.
Analysis of Gas-Assisted Pulverized Coal Combustion in Cambridge Coal Burner CCB1 Using FPV-LES, Energy & Fuels, 34 (6): 7477-7489, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Hasse, C.
Kinetic Modeling of Solid, Liquid and Gas Biofuel Formation from Biomass Pyrolysis, Production of Biofuels and Chemicals, 31-76, SPRINGER NATURE, Singapore, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Faravelli, T.
- > Hasse, C.
A fundamental model of char oxidation, Fuels, Processes, and Combustion Physics in the Energy Transformation, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Hasse, C.
- > Faravelli, T.
Machine learning for predictive coal combustion CFD simulations—From detailed kinetics to HDMR Reduced-Order models, Fuel, 274: 117720, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Nicolai, H.
- > Janicka, J.
- > Hasse, C.
An experimental and numerical study on the combustion of lignites from different geographic origins, Fuel, 278: 118320, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Özer, B.
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Hasse, C.
- > Faravelli, T.
Carrier-phase DNS of NOx formation in pulverized coal flames with fuel-bound nitrogen, 3rd International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Faravelli, T.
- > Hasse, C.
Flamelet tabulation methods for SOx formation in pulverized solid fuel combustion, Combustion and Flame, 218: 150-167, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Hasse, C.
Experimental and modeling assessment of sulfur release from coal under low and high heating rates, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Epple, B.
- > Faravelli, T.
- > Hasse, C.
Systematic evaluation and kinetic modeling of low heating rate sulfur release in pyrolysis and oxidation in various atmospheres, 3rd International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion, Montabaur, Germany, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Epple, B.
- > Faravelli, T.
- > Hasse, C.
Catalytic Influence of Mineral Compounds on the Reactivity of Cellulose-Derived Char in O2-, CO2-, and H2O-Containing Atmospheres, Fuel, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Hasse, C.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Muhler, M.
Can small polyaromatics describe their larger counterparts for local reactions? A computational study on the H-abstraction reaction by an H-atom from polyaromatics, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Schmitz, G.
- > Hättig, C.
- > Schmid, R.
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Hasse, C.
- > Faravelli, T.
Carrier-phase DNS of detailed NOx formation in early-stage pulverized coal combustion with fuel-bound nitrogen, Fuel, 291, 2021.
- Go to authors:
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Faravelli, T.
- > Hasse, C.
Development and Application of an Efficient Chemical Reactor Network Model for Oxy-fuel Combustion, Energy & Fuels, 35 (9), 2021.
- Go to authors:
- > Nicolai, H.
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Janicka, J.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Hasse, C.
- > Faravelli, T.
Calibration and Validation of a Comprehensive Kinetic Model of Coal Conversion in Inert, Air and Oxy-Fuel Conditions Using Data from Multiple Test Rigs, Fuel, 290, 2021.
Coal Combustion: Integrating Nitrogen and Sulfur Fraction in a Single Kinetic Mechanism, 1st International Conference on Smart Energy Carriers, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Faravelli, T.
- > Hasse, C.
A Predictive Physico-chemical Model of Biochar Oxidation, Energy & Fuels, 35 (18): 14894-14912, 2021.
- Go to authors:
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Hasse, C.
- > Faravelli, T.
Advanced modeling approaches for CFD simulations of coal combustion and gasification, Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 86: 100938, 2021.
- Go to authors:
- > Hasse, C.
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Faravelli, T.
Assessment of a detailed biomass pyrolysis kinetic scheme in multiscale simulations of a single-particle pyrolyzer and a pilot-scale entrained flow pyrolyzer, Chemical Engineering Journal, 418: 129347, 2021.
- Go to authors:
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Faravelli, T.
Detailed simulations for flamelet modelling of SOx formation from coal, PAMM, 19 (1), 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Hasse, C.
Experimental and modeling investigation on pyrolysis of agricultural biomass residues: Khat stem and coffee husk for bio-oil application, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 162: 105435, 2022.
- Go to authors:
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Faravelli, T.
Flamelet LES of swirl-stabilized oxy-fuel flames using directly coupled multi-step solid fuel kinetics, Combustion and Flame, 241: 112062, 2022.
- Go to authors:
- > Nicolai, H.
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Maßmeyer, A.
- > Janicka, J.
- > Hasse, C.
Fluidized bed reactor modelling using multiphase reactor networks, 44th Meeting of The Italian Section of The Combustion Institute, 2022.
- Go to authors:
- > Berkel, L.
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Nicolai, H.
- > Hasse, C.
- > Faravelli, T.
Investigation of Turbulent Pulverized Solid Fuel Combustion with Detailed Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Kinetics, Energy & Fuels, 35 (9), 2021.
- Go to authors:
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Hasse, C.
Systematic evaluation and kinetic modeling of low heating rate sulfur release in various atmospheres, Fuel, 289: 119739, 2021.
- Go to authors:
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Epple, B.
- > Faravelli, T.
- > Hasse, C.
Flamelet LES of a 40 kWth pulverized torrefied biomass furnace in air and oxy-fuel atmospheres, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2022.
- Go to authors:
- > Nicolai, H.
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Maßmeyer, A.
- > Kneer, R.
- > Hasse, C.
Fully-resolved simulations of volatile combustion and NOx formation from single coal particles in recycled flue gas environments, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2022.
- Go to authors:
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Li, T.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Böhm, B.
- > Hasse, C.
Flamelet LES of oxy-fuel swirling flames with different O2/CO2 ratios using directly coupled seamless multi-step solid fuel kinetics, Fuel, 344: 128089, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Nicolai, H.
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Janicka, J.
- > Hasse, C.
Comprehensive analysis of the effect of oxyfuel atmospheres on solid fuel combustion using large eddy simulations, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Berkel, L.
- > Steffens, P.
- > Nicolai, H.
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Hasse, C.
Development of a comprehensive kinetic model of biomass conversion in inert, air and oxy-fuel conditions, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
Chemical reactor network modeling of a self-sustained solid fuel combustion chamber under oxy-fuel atmospheres, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Berkel, L.
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Nicolai, H.
- > Faravelli, T.
- > Hasse, C.
Prediction of pyrolysis kinetics with models of different complexity for isolated biomass components, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Cerciello, F.
- > Hasse, C.
- > Kneer, R.
Large eddy simulation of a 40 kW self-sustained pulverized biomass combustion chamber using tabulated chemistry, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
Development of a multiphase chemical reactor network method as a tool for simulating biomass gasification in fluidized beds, Fuel, 357: 129731, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Berkel, L.
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Nicolai, H.
- > Hasse, C.
- > Faravelli, T.
Numerical investigation on pyrolysis and ignition of ammonia/coal blends during co-firing, Combustion and Flame, 261: 113268, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Nicolai, H.
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Berkel, L.
- > Hasse, C.
Impact of high-temperature biomass pyrolysis on biochar formation and composition, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 179: 106463, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Faravelli, T.
Comparative analysis of pyrolysis models including SFOR, CRECK, and Bio-CPD to predict reaction kinetics and products from extracted biomass components, Fuel, 371: 131867, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Cerciello, F.
- > Hasse, C.
- > Kneer, R.
Comparative analysis of pyrolysis models including SFOR, CRECK, and Bio-CPD to predict reaction kinetics and products from extracted biomass components – Supplementary dataset, RWTH Aachen University, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Cerciello, F.
- > Hasse, C.
- > Kneer, R.
Single hydrocarbon particle and particle group combustion in laminar flows, 4th Workshop on Clean Solids Conversion, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Farmand, P.
Modeling of NOx emissions in laminar solid pulverized biomass fuels flames, 19th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Farmand, P.
- > Nicolai, H.
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Hasse, C.
- > Pitsch, H.
LES of a swirl-stabilized 40 kWth biomass flame and comparison to a coal flame, Fuel, 372: 132098, 2024.
B1 - Theoretical and experimental investigation on the devolatilisation and oxidation of solid-fuel particles in a counterflow burner under oxy-fuel conditions
Extinction Characteristics of Methane Counterflow Flames under Oxy-Fuel and Air Conditions, China National Symposium on Combustion, 2016.
- Go to authors:
- > Pitsch, H.
Extinction strain rates for coal light volatiles under oxy-fuel conditions, China National Symposium on Combustion, 2016.
- Go to authors:
- > Pitsch, H.
Transient model for soot formation during the combustion of single coal particles, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 36 (2): 2131-2138, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Pitsch, H.
Experimental and numerical investigation of extinction strain rates of coal devolatilization products under oxy-fuel conditions, Proceedings of the European Combustion Meeting, Budapest, Hungary, 2015.
- Go to authors:
- > Pitsch, H.
Molecular-beam mass spectrometry study of oxy-combustion in a novel coal-plate experiment, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > Pitsch, H.
Axisymmetric Linear Hyperspectral Absorption Spectroscopy and Residuum-Based Parameter Selection on a Counter Flow Burner, Energies, 12 (14): 2786, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Pitsch, H.
- > Wagner, S.
Role of ring-enlargement reactions in the formation of aromatic hydrocarbons, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 22 (8): 4699-4714, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Pitsch, H.
A Methane Mechanism for Oxy-Fuel Combustion: Extinction Experiments, Model Validation, and Kinetic Analysis, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 34: 6970, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Pitsch, H.
Exploring low temperature oxidation of 1-butene in jet-stirred reactors, Combustion and Flame, 222: 259-271, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Pitsch, H.
Oxygenated PAH formation chemistry investigation in anisole jet stirred reactor oxidation by a thermodynamic approach, 3rd International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Schmid, R.
- > Pitsch, H.
Experimental and theoretical evidence for the temperature-determined evolution of PAH functional groups, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Pitsch, H.
Flamelet LES of a swirl-stabilized multi-stream pulverized coal burner in air and oxy-fuel atmospheres with pollutant formation, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Nicolai, H.
- > Janicka, J.
- > Pitsch, H.
- > Hasse, C.
Detailed analysis of early-stage NOx formation in turbulent pulverized coal combustion with fuel-bound nitrogen, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Pitsch, H.
- > Hasse, C.
Investigating the effect of oxy-fuel combustion and light coal volatiles interaction: A mass spectrometric study, Combustion and Flame, 204: 320-330, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Pitsch, H.
Demonstration of laser-induced incandescence in single coal particle enveloping flames, 9th European Combustion Meeting, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Pitsch, H.
- > Schiemann, M.
Experimental Design for Discrimination of Chemical Kinetic Models for Oxy-Methane Combustion, Energy & Fuels, 31 (5): 5533-5542, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Pitsch, H.
Oxygenated PAH Formation Chemistry Investigation in Anisole Jet Stirred Reactor Oxidation by a Thermodynamic Approach, Energy & Fuels, 35 (2), 2021.
- Go to authors:
- > Schmid, R.
- > Pitsch, H.
Exploring the combustion chemistry of anisole in laminar counterflow diffusion-flames under oxy-fuel conditions, Combustion and Flame: 111929, 2021.
- Go to authors:
- > Pitsch, H.
Effects of C1–C3 hydrocarbon blending on aromatics formation in 1-butene counterflow flames, Combustion and Flame, 230: 111427, 2021.
- Go to authors:
- > Pitsch, H.
New insights into the oxidation chemistry of pyrrole, an N-containing biomass tar component, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2022.
- Go to authors:
- > Faravelli, T.
- > Pitsch, H.
Synergistic effect on PAH and soot formation in ethylene counterflow diffusion flames by the addition of 1,3-dioxolane – a bio-hybrid fuel, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2022.
- Go to authors:
- > Pitsch, H.
Probing the influence of hydrogen cyanide on PAH chemistry, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2022.
- Go to authors:
- > Pitsch, H.
A comprehensive study on the combustion chemistry of two bio-hybrid fuels: 1,3-dioxane and 1,3-dioxolane, 12th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Pitsch, H.
Exploring formation of N-containing pollutants in pyrrole counterflow diffusion flame, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Pitsch, H.
The role of C3 and C4 species in forming naphthalene in counterflow diffusion flames, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 40 (1-4): 105620, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Meraviglia, A.
- > Pitsch, H.
B2 - Development of modelling approaches for fluid-particle interactions in turbulent flow by direct particle-fluid simulations
A numerical method for multiphysics simulations based on hierarchical Cartesian grids, Journal of Fluid Science and Technology, 10 (1): JFST0002, 2015.
- Go to authors:
- > Meinke, M.
- > Schröder, W.
An efficient conservative cut-cell method for rigid bodies interacting with viscous compressible flows, Journal of Computational Physics, 311: 62-86, 2016.
- Go to authors:
- > Meinke, M.
- > Schröder, W.
Comparison of scattering behaviour for spherical and non-spherical particles in pulverized coal combustion, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 111: 116-128, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Schröder, W.
- > Kneer, R.
On the accuracy of Lagrangian point-mass models for heavy non-spherical particles in isotropic turbulence, Fuel, 201: 2-14, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Meinke, M.
- > Schröder, W.
An efficient numerical method for fully-resolved particle simulations on high-performance computers, PAMM, 15 (1): 495-496, 2015.
- Go to authors:
- > Meinke, M.
- > Schröder, W.
Sharp resolution of complex moving geometries using a multi-cut-cell viscous flow solver, AIAA Paper 2015-3427: 507, 2015.
- Go to authors:
- > Meinke, M.
- > Schröder, W.
Assessment of Non-Spherical Point-Particle Models in LES using Direct Particle-Fluid Simulations, AIAA Paper 2018-3714, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > Meinke, M.
- > Schröder, W.
Validation of Lagrangian Two-Way Coupled Point-Particle Models in Large-Eddy Simulations, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 101 (2): 317-341, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > Meinke, M.
- > Schröder, W.
Direct particle-fluid simulation of Kolmogorov-length-scale size particles in decaying isotropic turbulence, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 819: 188-227, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Meinke, M.
- > Schröder, W.
The decay of isotropic turbulence carrying non-spherical finite-size particles, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 875: 520-542, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Meinke, M.
- > Schröder, W.
Direct particle-fluid simulation of Kolmogorov-length-scale size ellipsoidal particles in isotropic decaying turbulence, 11th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, Southampton, United Kingdom, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Meinke, M.
- > Schröder, W.
Correlations for inclined prolates based on highly resolved simulations, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 901: A5, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Meinke, M.
- > Schröder, W.
Ambient flow properties of Kolmogorov-length-scale size non-spherical particles in isotropic turbulence, ERCOFTAC Workshop Direct and Large Eddy Simulation XII, 175-181, SPRINGER NATURE, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Meinke, M.
- > Schröder, W.
B2 – Development of fluid-particle interaction models in turbulent flows, 2nd International Workshop on Oxy-fuel Combustion, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > Schröder, W.
Analysis of the Interphase Coupling using Direct Particle-Fluid Simulations for Finite-Size Particles, 16th European Turbulence Conference, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Meinke, M.
- > Schröder, W.
Assessement of Lagrangian two-way coupled point-particle models using direct particle-fluid simulations, 18. STAB-Workshop, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Meinke, M.
- > Schröder, W.
Improved Lagrangian Two-Way Coupled Point-Particle Models using Direct Particle-Fluid Simulations, 11th workshop on Direct and Large Eddy Simulation, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Meinke, M.
- > Schröder, W.
Nusselt correlation for ellipsoidal particles, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 149: 103941, 2022.
- Go to authors:
- > Meinke, M.
- > Schröder, W.
Particle Reynolds number effects on settling ellipsoids in isotropic turbulence, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 139, 2021.
- Go to authors:
- > Farmand, P.
- > Pitsch, H.
- > Meinke, M.
- > Schröder, W.
Lagrangian point-particle models for non-spherical particles in turbulent flow, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > André, L.
- > Meinke, M.
- > Schröder, W.
High-resolution two-phase velocimetry of aspherical particles using wavelet-based optical flow velocimetry (wOFV) benchmarked with fully resolved direct numerical simulations, 21st International Symposium on Applications of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Geschwindner, C.
- > André, L.
- > Meinke, M.
- > Schröder, W.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Böhm, B.
B3 - Direct numerical simulation and modelling of oxy-fuel combustion processes
Resolved simulations of single char particle combustion in a laminar flow field, Fuel, 201: 15-28, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Pitsch, H.
A New Variable Transport Coefficient Single-Film Model for Char Combustion, 8th European Combustion Meeting, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Pitsch, H.
Transient multiple particle simulations of char particle combustion, Fuel, 199: 289-298, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Sayadi, T.
- > Pitsch, H.
Fully Resolved Simulation of Single and Group Particle Combustion in an Oxy-fuel Atmosphere, 1st International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion, Montabaur, Germany, 2016.
- Go to authors:
- > Pitsch, H.
Modeling and Simulation of Coal Ignition and Combustion under Oxy-Fuel Condition, 2nd International Workshop on Oxy-fuel Combustion, Bochum, Germany, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Pitsch, H.
Numerical study of coal particle ignition in air and oxy-atmosphere, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > Pitsch, H.
Numerical Analysis of the Drag Force Acting on the Reactive Single Char Particle under Oxy-Fuel Condition, China National Symposium on Combustion, 2016.
- Go to authors:
- > Sayadi, T.
- > Pitsch, H.
Numerical Simulations and Experiments of Ignition of Solid Particles in a Laminar Burner: Effects of Slip Velocity and Particle Swelling, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Farmand, P.
- > Böhm, B.
- > Li, T.
- > Geschwindner, C.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Pitsch, H.
Direct numerical simulation of solid fuel ignition and combustion in laminar and turbulent conditions, 3rd International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Farmand, P.
- > Pitsch, H.
Numerical investigation of coal particle stream ignition in oxy-atmosphere, Fuel, 241: 477-487, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Pitsch, H.
Predicting kinetic parameters for coal devolatilization by means of Artificial Neural Networks, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 37 (3): 2943-2950, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Pitsch, H.
Homogeneous ignition and volatile combustion of single solid fuel particles in air and oxy-fuel conditions, Fuel, 291, 2021.
- Go to authors:
- > Li, T.
- > Farmand, P.
- > Geschwindner, C.
- > Pitsch, H.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Böhm, B.
Numerical investigation and assessment of flamelet-based models for the prediction of pulverized solid fuel homogeneous ignition and combustion, Combustion and Flame, 235: 111693, 2022.
Particle Reynolds number effects on settling ellipsoids in isotropic turbulence, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 139, 2021.
- Go to authors:
- > Farmand, P.
- > Pitsch, H.
- > Meinke, M.
- > Schröder, W.
Motion and swelling of single coal particles during volatile combustion in a laminar flow reactor, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2022.
- Go to authors:
- > Li, T.
- > Farmand, P.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Pitsch, H.
- > Böhm, B.
Modeling homogeneous ignition processes of clustering solid particle clouds in isotropic turbulence, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Farmand, P.
- > Nicolai, H.
- > Hasse, C.
- > Pitsch, H.
Ignition and flame structures of single coal and walnut shell particles in N2/O2 and CO2/O2 atmospheres – Particle size effect, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Li, T.
- > Farmand, P.
- > Pitsch, H.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Böhm, B.
Homogeneous ignition and volatile flame structure of single bituminous coal and walnut shell particles: Effects of particle size and gas atmosphere, Fuel, 371: 131955, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Li, T.
- > Farmand, P.
- > Nicolai, H.
- > Hasse, C.
- > Pitsch, H.
- > Böhm, B.
Modeling of NOx emissions in laminar solid pulverized biomass fuels flames, 19th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Farmand, P.
- > Nicolai, H.
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Hasse, C.
- > Pitsch, H.
Single hydrocarbon particle and particle group combustion in laminar flows, 4th Workshop on Clean Solids Conversion, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Farmand, P.
Modeling homogeneous ignition processes of clustering solid particle clouds in isotropic turbulence, Fuel, 371: 132054, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Farmand, P.
- > Nicolai, H.
- > Hasse, C.
- > Pitsch, H.
DNS dataset for modelling homogeneous ignition processes of clustering solid particle clouds in isotropic turbulence, Zenodo, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Farmand, P.
- > Pitsch, H.
B4 - Detailed experimental investigation and characterisation of oxy-fuel biomass burners via laser-optical methods
Residence time calculations for complex swirling flow in a combustion chamber using large-eddy simulations, Chemical Engineering Science, 156: 97-114, 2016.
- Go to authors:
- > Wagner, S.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Janicka, J.
- > di Mare, F.
Devolatilization and volatiles reaction of individual coal particles in the context of FGM tabulated chemistry, Combustion and Flame, 169: 72-84, 2016.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Janicka, J.
Investigation of ignition and volatile combustion of single coal particles within oxygen-enriched atmospheres using high-speed OH-PLIF, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 36 (2): 2103-2111, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Böhm, B.
- > Dreizler, A.
Characterization of single coal particle combustion within oxygen-enriched environments using high-speed OH-PLIF, Applied Physics B, 121 (4): 459-464, 2015.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Böhm, B.
- > Dreizler, A.
Experimental investigation of flame stabilization inside the quarl of an oxyfuel swirl burner, Fuel, 201: 124-135, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Böhm, B.
- > Kneer, R.
- > Janicka, J.
- > Dreizler, A.
Time resolved three-dimensional flamebase imaging of a lifted jet flame by laser scanning, Measurement Science and Technology, 26 (10): 105201, 2015.
- Go to authors:
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Böhm, B.
An Experimental and Numerical Study of Volatile Combustion of Single Coal Particles in an Oxygen Enriched Atmosphere, 32nd Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, 2015.
- Go to authors:
- > Böhm, B.
- > Janicka, J.
- > Dreizler, A.
Experimental investigation of particle-laden flows in an oxy-coal combustion chamber for non-reacting conditions, Fuel, 235: 753-762, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Böhm, B.
- > Kneer, R.
- > Dreizler, A.
Reactor network modelling of a close to reality combustor using residence time measurements, 10th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Faravelli, T.
- > Janicka, J.
- > Wagner, S.
- > Dreizler, A.
In-situ measurement of residence time distributions in a turbulent oxy-fuel gas-flame combustor, Experiments in Fluids, 58 (7): 647, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Wagner, S.
Comparison of two measurement strategies to obtain the residence time distribution in combustion chambers using tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy, Applied Optics, 58 (10): C36, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Wagner, S.
Experimental investigation of the flue gas thermochemical composition of an oxy-fuel swirl burner, Fuel, 231: 61-72, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Wagner, S.
Laserbasierte Messung von Temperatur und Spezieskonzentrationen bei der Verbrennung von torrefizierter Biomasse in einer 100 kWth-Staubfeuerungsversuchsanlage, 28. Deutscher Flammentag, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Maßmeyer, A.
- > Wagner, S.
A complementary approach for the experimental investigation of solid oxy-fuel combustion using optical diagnostics, 2nd International Workshop on Oxy-fuel Combustion, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > Wagner, S.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Kneer, R.
Large Eddy Simulation of a Novel Gas-Assisted Coal Combustion Chamber, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 101 (3): 895-926, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > di Mare, F.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Janicka, J.
Quasi-4D laser diagnostics using an acousto-optic deflector scanning system, Applied Physics B, 123 (3): 1243, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Li, T.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Böhm, B.
Experimental investigation and comparison of particle-laden flows in a gas-assisted oxycoal combustion chamber for reacting and non-reacting conditions, 9th European Combustion Meeting, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Böhm, B.
- > Kneer, R.
- > Dreizler, A.
Particle dynamics in a gas assisted coal combustion chamber using advanced laser diagnostics, Fuel, 269: 117188, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Böhm, B.
- > Kneer, R.
- > Dreizler, A.
Investigation on flow dynamics and temperatures of solid fuel particles in a gas-assisted oxy-fuel combustion chamber, Fuel, 286: 119424, 2021.
- Go to authors:
- > Böhm, B.
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Kneer, R.
- > Dreizler, A.
Large Eddy Simulation of a laboratory-scale gas-assisted pulverized coal combustion chamber under oxy-fuel atmospheres using tabulated chemistry, Fuel, 272: 117683, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Nicolai, H.
- > Hasse, C.
- > di Mare, F.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Janicka, J.
B4 – Visualization and analysis of solid fuel particle tracectories in a gas-assisted oxy-fuel combustion chamber, 3rd International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Böhm, B.
- > Kneer, R.
- > Dreizler, A.
Investigation on wall and gas temperatures inside a swirled oxy-fuel combustion chamber using thermographic phosphors, O2 rotational and vibrational CARS, Fuel, 289: 119787, 2021.
- Go to authors:
- > Böhm, B.
- > Dreizler, A.
Detailed Analysis of the Velocity Fields from 60 kW Swirl-Stabilized Coal Flames in CO2/O2- and N2/O2-Atmospheres by Means of Laser Doppler Velocimetry and Particle Image Velocimetry, Combustion Science and Technology, 189 (10): 1751-1775, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Maßmeyer, A.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Kneer, R.
B4 – Detailed experimental investigation and characterization of oxycoal burners via laser optical methods, 2nd International Workshop on Oxy-fuel Combustion, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > Dreizler, A.
Characterization of temperature distributions in a swirled oxy-fuel coal combustor using tomographic absorption spectroscopy with fluctuation modelling, Applications in Energy and Combustion Science, 6: 100025, 2021.
- Go to authors:
- > Böhm, B.
- > Wagner, S.
- > Dreizler, A.
Visualisierung und Analyse von Gasphasengeschwindigkeit und Partikeltrajektorien in einem gasassistierten Oxyfuel-Staubbrenner, 29. Deutscher Flammentag, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Kneer, R.
- > Dreizler, A.
Phase-locked absorption tomography for retrieving 5 kHz time-resolved tracer profiles in solid fuel combustion, Applications in Energy and Combustion Science, 12: 100093, 2022.
- Go to authors:
- > Böhm, B.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Wagner, S.
Comprehensive analysis of the effect of oxyfuel atmospheres on solid fuel combustion using large eddy simulations, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Berkel, L.
- > Steffens, P.
- > Nicolai, H.
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Hasse, C.
Combined flow, temperature and soot investigation in oxy-fuel biomass combustion under varying oxygen concentrations using laser-optical diagnostics, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Hebel, J.
- > Böhm, B.
- > Wagner, S.
- > Kneer, R.
- > Dreizler, A.
Untersuchung der Flammenstabilität und thermischen Strahlung in einer 1-MWth-Brennkammer unter Oxyfuel-Bedingungen, 31. Deutscher Flammentag, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Özer, B.
- > Maßmeyer, A.
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Epple, B.
Combined flow, temperature and soot investigation in oxy-fuel biomass combustion under varying oxygen concentrations using laser-optical diagnostics, Fuel, 362: 130771, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Bonarens, M.
- > Hebel, J.
- > Böhm, B.
- > Wagner, S.
- > Kneer, R.
- > Dreizler, A.
Rotational-vibrational O2-CO2 coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy for determination of thermochemical states in oxy-fuel biomass combustion, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 40 (1-4): 105457, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Hebel, J.
- > Böhm, B.
- > Kneer, R.
- > Dreizler, A.
B5 - Robust absorption-spectroscopic diagnostics for biomass combustion: measurement methods for gas species, gas temperatures and particle loading
FTIR-based measurements of self-broadening and self-shift coefficients as well as line strength in the first overtone band of HCl at 1.76 µM, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 165: 76-87, 2015.
Characterization of single coal particle combustion within oxygen-enriched environments using high-speed OH-PLIF, Applied Physics B, 121 (4): 459-464, 2015.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Böhm, B.
- > Dreizler, A.
Broadband fitting approach for the application of supercontinuum broadband laser absorption spectroscopy to combustion environments, Measurement Science and Technology, 27 (1): 015501, 2016.
- Go to authors:
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Wagner, S.
Investigation of ignition and volatile combustion of single coal particles within oxygen-enriched atmospheres using high-speed OH-PLIF, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 36 (2): 2103-2111, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Böhm, B.
- > Dreizler, A.
Reactor network modelling of a close to reality combustor using residence time measurements, 10th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Faravelli, T.
- > Janicka, J.
- > Wagner, S.
- > Dreizler, A.
In-situ measurement of residence time distributions in a turbulent oxy-fuel gas-flame combustor, Experiments in Fluids, 58 (7): 647, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Wagner, S.
A complementary approach for the experimental investigation of solid oxy-fuel combustion using optical diagnostics, 2nd International Workshop on Oxy-fuel Combustion, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > Wagner, S.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Kneer, R.
Laserbasierte Messung von Temperatur und Spezieskonzentrationen bei der Verbrennung von torrefizierter Biomasse in einer 100 kWth-Staubfeuerungsversuchsanlage, 28. Deutscher Flammentag, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Maßmeyer, A.
- > Wagner, S.
Experimental investigation of the flue gas thermochemical composition of an oxy-fuel swirl burner, Fuel, 231: 61-72, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Wagner, S.
Comparison of two measurement strategies to obtain the residence time distribution in combustion chambers using tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy, Applied Optics, 58 (10): C36, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Wagner, S.
Experimental comparison of a 2D laminar diffusion flame under oxy-fuel and air atmosphere, Fuel, 212: 302-308, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Wagner, S.
PolySpec: polynomial spectrum models for fast and light-weight spectroscopic evaluation, Applied Optics, 57 (34): 9907, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Wagner, S.
An Experimental and Numerical Study of Volatile Combustion of Single Coal Particles in an Oxygen Enriched Atmosphere, 32nd Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, 2015.
- Go to authors:
- > Böhm, B.
- > Janicka, J.
- > Dreizler, A.
Axisymmetric Linear Hyperspectral Absorption Spectroscopy and Residuum-Based Parameter Selection on a Counter Flow Burner, Energies, 12 (14): 2786, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Pitsch, H.
- > Wagner, S.
Multiparameter gas sensing with linear hyperspectral absorption tomography, Measurement Science and Technology, 30 (10): 105401, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Wagner, S.
Quantifying the spatial resolution of the maximum a posteriori estimate in linear, rank-deficient, Bayesian hard field tomography, Measurement Science and Technology, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Wagner, S.
Efficient Bayesian inference of absorbance spectra from transmitted intensity spectra, Optics Express, 27 (19): 26893-26909, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Wagner, S.
Residence time calculations for complex swirling flow in a combustion chamber using large-eddy simulations, Chemical Engineering Science, 156: 97-114, 2016.
- Go to authors:
- > Wagner, S.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Janicka, J.
- > di Mare, F.
Characterization of temperature distributions in a swirled oxy-fuel coal combustor using tomographic absorption spectroscopy with fluctuation modelling, Applications in Energy and Combustion Science, 6: 100025, 2021.
- Go to authors:
- > Böhm, B.
- > Wagner, S.
- > Dreizler, A.
Phase-locked absorption tomography for retrieving 5 kHz time-resolved tracer profiles in solid fuel combustion, Applications in Energy and Combustion Science, 12: 100093, 2022.
- Go to authors:
- > Böhm, B.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Wagner, S.
Combined flow, temperature and soot investigation in oxy-fuel biomass combustion under varying oxygen concentrations using laser-optical diagnostics, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Hebel, J.
- > Böhm, B.
- > Wagner, S.
- > Kneer, R.
- > Dreizler, A.
Combined flow, temperature and soot investigation in oxy-fuel biomass combustion under varying oxygen concentrations using laser-optical diagnostics, Fuel, 362: 130771, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Bonarens, M.
- > Hebel, J.
- > Böhm, B.
- > Wagner, S.
- > Kneer, R.
- > Dreizler, A.
Towards Spatially Resolved, Single-Ended Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy in Particle-Laden Flows, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Bonarens, M.
- > Wagner, S.
Towards a spatially resolved, single-ended TDLAS system for characterizing the distribution of gaseous species, Scientific Reports, 14 (1): 11708, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Bonarens, M.
- > Wagner, S.
B6(F) - Modeling of Particle-Turbulence-Chemistry Interaction in Oxy-Fuel-Processes
Devolatilization and volatiles reaction of individual coal particles in the context of FGM tabulated chemistry, Combustion and Flame, 169: 72-84, 2016.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Janicka, J.
Investigation of Unsteady Simulation Methods in an Oxyfuel Configuration, 27. Deutscher Flammentag, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany, 2015.
- Go to authors:
- > Janicka, J.
Evaluation of coal particle volatiles reaction by using detailed kinetics and FGM tabulated chemistry, Fuel, 201: 39-52, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Janicka, J.
An Experimental and Numerical Study of Volatile Combustion of Single Coal Particles in an Oxygen Enriched Atmosphere, 32nd Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, 2015.
- Go to authors:
- > Böhm, B.
- > Janicka, J.
- > Dreizler, A.
B7 - Investigation of ignition and combustion processes of solid fuel particles under oxy-fuel conditions
Multi-parameter diagnostics for high-resolution in-situ measurements of single coal particle combustion, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 37 (3): 2893-2900, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Li, T.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Böhm, B.
A study of the spatial and temporal evolution of auto-ignition kernels using time-resolved tomographic OH-LIF, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 37 (2): 1321-1328, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Li, T.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Böhm, B.
Tomographic imaging of OH laser-induced fluorescence in laminar and turbulent jet flames, Measurement Science and Technology, 29 (1): 015206, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > Li, T.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Böhm, B.
Combustion details of raw and torrefied biomass fuel particles with individually-observed size, shape and mass, Combustion and Flame, 207: 327-341, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
Hydrothermal carbonisierte mikrokristalline Cellulose als aschefreier Modellbrennstoff für Flachflammenbrenner, 29. Deutscher Flammentag, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Scherer, V.
- > Muhler, M.
Untersuchungen der Verbrennung von Einzelpartikeln und Partikelgruppen mit zeitaufgelöster volumetrischer Messung des OH-Radikals, 29. Deutscher Flammentag, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Li, T.
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Böhm, B.
Time-resolved volumetric measurement of OH radicals on single particle and particle group combustion, 14th International Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Li, T.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Böhm, B.
Experimental investigations of single particle and particle group combustion in a laminar flow reactor using simultaneous volumetric OH-LIF imaging and diffuse backlight-illumination, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 136: 110377, 2021.
- Go to authors:
- > Li, T.
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Böhm, B.
Investigation on flow dynamics and temperatures of solid fuel particles in a gas-assisted oxy-fuel combustion chamber, Fuel, 286: 119424, 2021.
- Go to authors:
- > Böhm, B.
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Kneer, R.
- > Dreizler, A.
Numerical Simulations and Experiments of Ignition of Solid Particles in a Laminar Burner: Effects of Slip Velocity and Particle Swelling, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Farmand, P.
- > Böhm, B.
- > Li, T.
- > Geschwindner, C.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Pitsch, H.
Investigation of the transition from single to group coal particle combustion using high-speed scanning OH-LIF and diffuse backlight-illumination, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Li, T.
- > Geschwindner, C.
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Böhm, B.
High-speed volumetric imaging of formaldehyde in a lifted turbulent jet flame using an acousto-optic deflector, Experiments in Fluids, 61 (4): 2903, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Li, T.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Böhm, B.
Numerical investigation of pulverized coal particle group combustion using tabulated chemistry, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2020.
Comprehensive Data Set of Single Particle Combustion under Oxy-fuel Conditions, Part I: Measurement Technique, Combustion Science and Technology, 56 (2): 1-22, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
Simultaneous 10 kHz three-dimensional CH2O and tomographic PIV measurements in a lifted partially-premixed jet flame, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Li, T.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Böhm, B.
Quantitative mixture fraction imaging of a synthetic biogas turbulent jet propagating into a NO-vitiated air co-flow using planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF), Experiments in Fluids, 60 (5): 60, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Böhm, B.
- > Dreizler, A.
Demonstration of laser-induced incandescence in single coal particle enveloping flames, 9th European Combustion Meeting, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Pitsch, H.
- > Schiemann, M.
Homogeneous ignition and volatile combustion of single solid fuel particles in air and oxy-fuel conditions, Fuel, 291, 2021.
- Go to authors:
- > Li, T.
- > Farmand, P.
- > Geschwindner, C.
- > Pitsch, H.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Böhm, B.
Numerical investigation and assessment of flamelet-based models for the prediction of pulverized solid fuel homogeneous ignition and combustion, Combustion and Flame, 235: 111693, 2022.
Optische Charakterisierung der volatilen Flamme in Partikelsträhnen in Abhängigkeit von der Partikelanzahldichte, 30. Deutscher Flammentag, 2021.
- Go to authors:
- > Tarlinski, D.
- > Geschwindner, C.
- > Li, T.
- > Böhm, B.
- > Schiemann, M.
Experimentelle Untersuchung der Interaktion von Biomasse mit einem turbulenten plasmabeheizten Oxidatorgasstrom, 30. Deutscher Flammentag, Hannover, Germany, 2021.
- Go to authors:
- > Geschwindner, C.
- > Li, T.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Böhm, B.
Motion and swelling of single coal particles during volatile combustion in a laminar flow reactor, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2022.
- Go to authors:
- > Li, T.
- > Farmand, P.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Pitsch, H.
- > Böhm, B.
An experimental study of coal particle group combustion in conventional and oxy-fuel atmospheres using multi-parameter optical diagnostics, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2022.
- Go to authors:
- > Li, T.
- > Geschwindner, C.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Böhm, B.
Particle temperature and composition measurements in the ignition phase of single coal particles and particle groups under conventional and oxy-fuel atmospheres, Fuel, 332: 125894, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Tarlinski, D.
- > Geschwindner, C.
- > Li, T.
- > Böhm, B.
- > Schiemann, M.
Pulse picking of a fiber laser enables velocimetry of biomass-laden jets at low and ultra-high repetition rates, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2022.
- Go to authors:
- > Geschwindner, C.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Böhm, B.
Fully-resolved simulations of volatile combustion and NOx formation from single coal particles in recycled flue gas environments, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2022.
- Go to authors:
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Li, T.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Böhm, B.
- > Hasse, C.
Particle dynamics within a high-velocity biomass-laden jet investigated by two-phase velocimetry at low to ultra-high repetition rates, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Geschwindner, C.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Böhm, B.
Ignition and flame structures of single coal and walnut shell particles in N2/O2 and CO2/O2 atmospheres – Particle size effect, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Li, T.
- > Farmand, P.
- > Pitsch, H.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Böhm, B.
Particle-resolved optical diagnostics of solid fuel combustion for clean power generation: A review, Measurement Science and Technology, 34 (12): 122001, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Li, T.
- > Geschwindner, C.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Böhm, B.
Messung der laserinduzierten Inkandeszenz zu der Charakterisierung von Rußbildung um einzelne Kohle- und Biomassepartikel, 31. Deutscher Flammentag, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Tarlinski, D.
- > Schiemann, M.
Combustion of single walnut shell particles in a laminar flow reactor under oxy-fuel conditions: Optical measurements and particle sampling, Fuel, 369: 131613, 2024.
Optical measurements of pulverized pine needles burning in a drop tube furnace, 48th International Conference on Clean Energy, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Tarlinski, D.
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
Homogeneous ignition and volatile flame structure of single bituminous coal and walnut shell particles: Effects of particle size and gas atmosphere, Fuel, 371: 131955, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Li, T.
- > Farmand, P.
- > Nicolai, H.
- > Hasse, C.
- > Pitsch, H.
- > Böhm, B.
Swirling coal and biomass flames, 4th Workshop on Clean Solids Conversion, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Nicolai, H.
- > Geschwindner, C.
High-resolution two-phase velocimetry of aspherical particles using wavelet-based optical flow velocimetry (wOFV) benchmarked with fully resolved direct numerical simulations, 21st International Symposium on Applications of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Geschwindner, C.
- > André, L.
- > Meinke, M.
- > Schröder, W.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Böhm, B.
Resolving biomass-turbulence interactions at the particle scale using ultra-high-speed wavelet-based optical flow velocimetry (wOFV), Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 40 (1-4): 105461, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Geschwindner, C.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Böhm, B.
Simultaneous LII, PAH-LIF, OH-LIF, and Mie scattering measurements in solid fuel particle combustion, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 40 (1-4): 105711, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Böhm, B.
- > Li, T.
B8 - Sensitivity analysis and uncertainty quantification of pulverised solid fuel combustion
Control and Optimization of Interfacial Flows Using Adjoint-Based Techniques, Fluids, 5 (3): 156, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Sayadi, T.
Adjoint-based sensitivity analysis of steady char burnout, Combustion Theory and Modelling, 25 (1): 96-120, 2021.
- Go to authors:
- > Sayadi, T.
- > Pitsch, H.
Sensitivity analysis of an unsteady char particle combustion, Fuel, 287, 2021.
- Go to authors:
- > Sayadi, T.
Adjoint-based sensitivity analysis of char combustion surface reaction kinetics, Fuel, 287, 2021.
- Go to authors:
- > Sayadi, T.
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
Uncertainty quantification of kinetic models using adjoint-driven active subspace algorithms, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2022.
- Go to authors:
- > Sayadi, T.
Sensitivity analysis and uncertainty quantification of an axisymmetric reacting particle, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Sayadi, T.
Uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis of an unsteady axisymmetric reacting solid particle, Combustion and Flame, 262: 113365, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Sayadi, T.
C1 - Experimental investigation of pulverised biomass combustion for validation of numerical models
Experimental Investigation and Comparison of Pulverized Coal Combustion in CO2/O2- and N2/O2-Atmospheres, SPEIC: Towards Sustainable Combustion, Lisbon, Portugal, 2014.
- Go to authors:
- > Maßmeyer, A.
- > Kneer, R.
Experimental Characterization of the effect of Dry Recirculation on a Swirled Self-Stabilized Oxycoal Flame, 31st Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, 2014.
- Go to authors:
- > Maßmeyer, A.
- > Gövert, B.
- > Kneer, R.
Comparison of Flame Stability Under Air and Oxy-Fuel Conditions for an Aerodynamically Stabilized Pulverized Coal Swirl Flame, Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 138 (4): 042209, 2016.
- Go to authors:
- > Maßmeyer, A.
- > Kneer, R.
Experimental Investigation and Comparison of Pulverized Coal Combustion in CO2/O2- and N2/O2-Atmospheres, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 96 (2): 417-431, 2016.
- Go to authors:
- > Maßmeyer, A.
- > Kneer, R.
Detailed analyzes of pulverized coal swirl flames in oxy-fuel atmospheres, Combustion and Flame, 172: 289-301, 2016.
- Go to authors:
- > Maßmeyer, A.
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Gövert, B.
- > Kneer, R.
Experimental investigation of flame stabilization inside the quarl of an oxyfuel swirl burner, Fuel, 201: 124-135, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Böhm, B.
- > Kneer, R.
- > Janicka, J.
- > Dreizler, A.
Experimental investigation of pulverized coal flames in CO2/O2- and N2/O2-atmospheres: Comparison of solid particle radiative characteristics, Fuel, 201: 136-147, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Maßmeyer, A.
- > Kneer, R.
Charakterisierung ähnlicher, aerodynamisch bestimmter Flammenzustände eines Kohlenstaub-Drallbrenners im Luft- und Oxyfuel-Betrieb, 27. Deutscher Flammentag, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany, 2015.
- Go to authors:
- > Kneer, R.
Detailed Analysis of the Velocity Fields from 60 kW Swirl-Stabilized Coal Flames in CO2/O2- and N2/O2-Atmospheres by Means of Laser Doppler Velocimetry and Particle Image Velocimetry, Combustion Science and Technology, 189 (10): 1751-1775, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Maßmeyer, A.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Kneer, R.
Laserbasierte Messung von Temperatur und Spezieskonzentrationen bei der Verbrennung von torrefizierter Biomasse in einer 100 kWth-Staubfeuerungsversuchsanlage, 28. Deutscher Flammentag, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Maßmeyer, A.
- > Wagner, S.
A complementary approach for the experimental investigation of solid oxy-fuel combustion using optical diagnostics, 2nd International Workshop on Oxy-fuel Combustion, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > Wagner, S.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Kneer, R.
Kohlenstaubverbrennung in Oxyfuel-Atmosphäre: Einfluss der Oxidatorzusammensetzung auf den Verbrennungsprozess, 28. Deutscher Flammentag, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Maßmeyer, A.
- > Kneer, R.
Experimental investigation into the influence of the oxygen concentration on a pulverized coal swirl flame in oxy-fuel atmosphere, Fuel, 240: 64-74, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Maßmeyer, A.
- > Kneer, R.
Chemiluminescence measurements in a pulverized fuel furnace of pure torrefied biomasses in comparison to solid fossil fuels, 42nd International Technical Conference on Clean Energy, Clearwater, Florida, USA, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Maßmeyer, A.
- > Kneer, R.
Experimental Investigation and Comparison of radiative characteristics of Pulverized Coal Flames in CO2/O2- and N2/O2-Atmospheres, 1st International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion, 2016.
- Go to authors:
- > Maßmeyer, A.
- > Kneer, R.
Progress and Challenges in Flow Field Studies of 40–60 kWth Pulverized Coal Flames, Joint Meeting the German and Italian Sections of the Combustion Institute, Sorrento, Italy, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > Maßmeyer, A.
- > Kneer, R.
Pulverized coal swirl flames in oxy-fuel conditions: Effects of oxidizer O2 concentration on flow field and local gas composition, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > Kneer, R.
Flow Pattern and Behavior of 40 kWth Pulverized Torrefied Biomass Flames under Atmospheric and Oxy-fuel Conditions, 14th International Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Maßmeyer, A.
- > Kneer, R.
Flame Pattern Analysis for 60 kWth Flames under Conventional Air-Fired and Oxy-Fuel Conditions for Two Different Types of Coal, 9th International Symposium on Coal Combustion, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Maßmeyer, A.
- > Kneer, R.
Numerical simulation of swirl oxy-coal combustion in a 60 kW Test Facility using the SST k-ω turbulence model, 3rd International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Askarizadeh, H.
- > Maßmeyer, A.
- > Kneer, R.
Stability Analysis of 60 kWth Coal Flames under Air and Oxyfuel Conditions, 3rd International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion, Montabaur, Germany, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Maßmeyer, A.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Kneer, R.
Flame pattern analysis for 60 kWth flames under conventional air-fired and oxy-fuel conditions for two different types of coal, Fuel, 271: 117457, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Maßmeyer, A.
- > Kneer, R.
Numerical investigation of swirl-stabilized pulverized coal flames in air and oxy-fuel atmospheres by means of large eddy simulation coupled with tabulated chemistry, Fuel: 119429, 2020.
Experimental Dataset: Pulverized coal swirl flames in oxy-fuel conditions: Effects of oxidizer O2 concentration on flow field and local gas composition, RWTH Aachen University, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Maßmeyer, A.
- > Kneer, R.
Flow pattern and behavior of 40 kWth pulverized torrefied biomass flames under atmospheric and oxy-fuel conditions, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 138: 110493, 2021.
- Go to authors:
- > Maßmeyer, A.
- > Kneer, R.
Numerische Untersuchung zur Relevanz von Teilmodellen für Pyrolyse und Koksabbrand in turbulenten drallbehafteten Flammen unter Oxyfuel-Bedingungen, 30. Deutscher Flammentag, Hannover, Germany, 2021.
Analyzing the effects of turbulence and multiphase treatments on oxy-coal combustion process predictions using LES and RANS, Chemical Engineering Science, 166: 283-302, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > di Mare, F.
- > Janicka, J.
- > Maßmeyer, A.
- > Kneer, R.
Experimental Dataset: 40 kWth Pulverized Torrefied Biomass and Lignite Flames under Atmospheric and Oxy-fuel Conditions, RWTH Aachen University, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Maßmeyer, A.
- > Kneer, R.
Experimental Study on the Influence of Methane-Cofiring on Pulverized Coal Flames under Air and Oxy-Fuel Conditions, 30. Deutscher Flammentag, 2021.
- Go to authors:
- > Özer, B.
- > Maßmeyer, A.
- > Kneer, R.
Flamelet LES of swirl-stabilized oxy-fuel flames using directly coupled multi-step solid fuel kinetics, Combustion and Flame, 241: 112062, 2022.
- Go to authors:
- > Nicolai, H.
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Maßmeyer, A.
- > Janicka, J.
- > Hasse, C.
Comparison of Flame Stability under Air and Oxy-Fuel Conditions for an Aerodynamically Stabilized Pulverized Coal Swirl Flame, 40th International Technical Conference on Clean Coal & Fuel Systems, Clearwater, Florida, USA, 2015.
- Go to authors:
- > Kneer, R.
Experimental investigation of 40 kWth methane-assisted and self-sustained pulverized biomass flames, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2022.
- Go to authors:
- > Özer, B.
- > Kneer, R.
- > Maßmeyer, A.
Flamelet LES of a 40 kWth pulverized torrefied biomass furnace in air and oxy-fuel atmospheres, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2022.
- Go to authors:
- > Nicolai, H.
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Maßmeyer, A.
- > Kneer, R.
- > Hasse, C.
Numerical study on the influence of conversion- and temperature-dependent particle radiative properties on pulverised solid fuel flames, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
An experimental study on oscillating behaviour of the radiation spectrum of self-sustained biomass flames at different thermal loads, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Özer, B.
- > Kneer, R.
- > Maßmeyer, A.
Up-scaling of a lab-scale oxyfuel burner to a 1 MWth semi-industrial oxyfuel combustion chamber, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Maßmeyer, A.
- > Askarizadeh, H.
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Epple, B.
Large eddy simulation of a 40 kW self-sustained pulverized biomass combustion chamber using tabulated chemistry, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
Assessment of turbulence modulation for the simulation of a 60 kWth swirling flame of pulverized solid fuel under oxy-fuel conditions, 14. International Conference on Computational Heat and Mass Transfer, 2023.
Influence of Gas Radiation, Particle Radiation Interactions, and Conversion-Dependent Particle Radiative Properties on Pulverized Solid Fuel Combustion, 31. Deutscher Flammentag, 2023.
Radiometer concept for spectral resolved radiation heat flux measurements, 31. Deutscher Flammentag, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Pörtner, L.
- > Özer, B.
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Maßmeyer, A.
Untersuchung der Flammenstabilität und thermischen Strahlung in einer 1-MWth-Brennkammer unter Oxyfuel-Bedingungen, 31. Deutscher Flammentag, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Özer, B.
- > Maßmeyer, A.
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Epple, B.
Numerical study on the influence of devolatilisation kinetics on pulverised solid fuel turbulent swirling flames under oxyfuel conditions, 14th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers, 2024.
Spectral resolved radiative heat flux measurements in a combustion chamber, 14th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers, 2024.
Investigation of the Coupling Schemes between the Discrete and the Continuous Phase in the Numerical Simulation of a 60 kWth Swirling Pulverised Solid Fuel Flame under Oxyfuel Conditions, Fire, 7 (6): 185, 2024.
Investigation of the Coupling Schemes between the Discrete and the Continuous Phase in the Numerical Simulation of a 60 kWth Swirling Pulverised Solid Fuel Flame under Oxyfuel Conditions – Supplementary Dataset, RWTH Aachen University, 2024.
LES of a swirl-stabilized 40 kWth biomass flame and comparison to a coal flame, Fuel, 372: 132098, 2024.
Radiation modelling considering burnout-dependent properties and cellwise non-uniform particle distributions in the numerical simulation of pulverised solid fuel combustion, Fuel, 381: 133338, 2025.
Radiation modelling considering burnout-dependent properties and cellwise non-uniform particle distributions in the numerical simulation of pulverised solid fuel combustion – Dataset, RWTH Aachen University, 2024.
C2 - Unsteady modelling and simulation of oxy-fuel combustion chambers
LES combustion modeling using the Eulerian stochastic field method coupled with tabulated chemistry, Combustion and Flame, 175: 201-219, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Janicka, J.
- > di Mare, F.
Flow Physics of a Bluff-Body Swirl Stabilized Flame and their Prediction by Means of a Joint Eulerian Stochastic Field and Tabulated Chemistry Approach, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 97 (4): 1185-1210, 2016.
- Go to authors:
- > Janicka, J.
Residence time calculations for complex swirling flow in a combustion chamber using large-eddy simulations, Chemical Engineering Science, 156: 97-114, 2016.
- Go to authors:
- > Wagner, S.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Janicka, J.
- > di Mare, F.
Investigation of Unsteady Simulation Methods in an Oxyfuel Configuration, 27. Deutscher Flammentag, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany, 2015.
- Go to authors:
- > Janicka, J.
Analyzing the effects of turbulence and multiphase treatments on oxy-coal combustion process predictions using LES and RANS, Chemical Engineering Science, 166: 283-302, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > di Mare, F.
- > Janicka, J.
- > Maßmeyer, A.
- > Kneer, R.
Performance analysis of different solvers for computing the radiative transfer equation in complex geometries using finite volume method and block structured grids, Computational Thermal Sciences: An International Journal, 9 (3): 269-282, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > di Mare, F.
- > Janicka, J.
Large Eddy Simulation of a Novel Gas-Assisted Coal Combustion Chamber, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 101 (3): 895-926, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > di Mare, F.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Janicka, J.
Large eddy simulation of two isothermal and reacting turbulent separated oxy-fuel jets, Fuel, 192: 108-120, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Janicka, J.
Description of the char conversion process in coal combustion based on premixed FGM chemistry, Fuel, 236: 124-134, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Nicolai, H.
- > di Mare, F.
- > Janicka, J.
Flamelet-Tabellierung im Kontext der Simulation von Kohlestaubverbrennung, 28. Deutscher Flammentag, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Janicka, J.
Assessment of predictive capability of hybrid URANS/LES methods in residence time calculation, Chemical Engineering Science, 183: 47-59, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > Janicka, J.
Study of turbulence-radiation interactions in large-eddy simulation of scaled Sandia flame D, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 228: 47-56, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > di Mare, F.
- > Janicka, J.
Effects of air and oxy-fuel atmospheres on flamelet modeling of pollutant formation in laminar counterflow solid fuel flames, Fuel, 285: 119079, 2021.
- Go to authors:
- > Nicolai, H.
- > Janicka, J.
- > Hasse, C.
Machine learning for predictive coal combustion CFD simulations—From detailed kinetics to HDMR Reduced-Order models, Fuel, 274: 117720, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Nicolai, H.
- > Janicka, J.
- > Hasse, C.
Assessment of a model for emission subgrid-Scale turbulence-Radiation interaction applied to a scaled sandia flame DD, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 248: 106986, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Janicka, J.
Large-eddy simulation of a bluff-body stabilised nonpremixed flame with radiation heat transfer, Combustion Theory and Modelling, 133: 1-18, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Janicka, J.
Large Eddy Simulation of pulverized coal combustion under oxy atmospheres using tabulated chemistry, 12th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers : INFUB 12, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Nicolai, H.
- > di Mare, F.
- > Hasse, C.
- > Janicka, J.
Large Eddy Simulation of a laboratory-scale gas-assisted pulverized coal combustion chamber under oxy-fuel atmospheres using tabulated chemistry, Fuel, 272: 117683, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Nicolai, H.
- > Hasse, C.
- > di Mare, F.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Janicka, J.
Numerical investigation of pulverized coal particle group combustion using tabulated chemistry, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2020.
Numerical investigation of swirl-stabilized pulverized coal flames in air and oxy-fuel atmospheres by means of large eddy simulation coupled with tabulated chemistry, Fuel: 119429, 2020.
Flamelet LES of a swirl-stabilized multi-stream pulverized coal burner in air and oxy-fuel atmospheres with pollutant formation, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Nicolai, H.
- > Janicka, J.
- > Pitsch, H.
- > Hasse, C.
Detailed analysis of early-stage NOx formation in turbulent pulverized coal combustion with fuel-bound nitrogen, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Pitsch, H.
- > Hasse, C.
Entwicklung einer Simulationsmethode zur Beschreibung der Feststoffverbrennung in Oxy-Atmosphären auf Basis tabellierten Chemie, 29. Deutscher Flammentag, Bochum, Germany, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Nicolai, H.
- > di Mare, F.
- > Janicka, J.
Development and Application of an Efficient Chemical Reactor Network Model for Oxy-fuel Combustion, Energy & Fuels, 35 (9), 2021.
- Go to authors:
- > Nicolai, H.
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Janicka, J.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Hasse, C.
- > Faravelli, T.
Numerische Untersuchung zur Relevanz von Teilmodellen für Pyrolyse und Koksabbrand in turbulenten drallbehafteten Flammen unter Oxyfuel-Bedingungen, 30. Deutscher Flammentag, Hannover, Germany, 2021.
Advanced modeling approaches for CFD simulations of coal combustion and gasification, Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 86: 100938, 2021.
- Go to authors:
- > Hasse, C.
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Faravelli, T.
Flamelet LES of swirl-stabilized oxy-fuel flames using directly coupled multi-step solid fuel kinetics, Combustion and Flame, 241: 112062, 2022.
- Go to authors:
- > Nicolai, H.
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Maßmeyer, A.
- > Janicka, J.
- > Hasse, C.
Numerical investigation and assessment of flamelet-based models for the prediction of pulverized solid fuel homogeneous ignition and combustion, Combustion and Flame, 235: 111693, 2022.
Fluidized bed reactor modelling using multiphase reactor networks, 44th Meeting of The Italian Section of The Combustion Institute, 2022.
- Go to authors:
- > Berkel, L.
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Nicolai, H.
- > Hasse, C.
- > Faravelli, T.
Flamelet LES of a 40 kWth pulverized torrefied biomass furnace in air and oxy-fuel atmospheres, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2022.
- Go to authors:
- > Nicolai, H.
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Maßmeyer, A.
- > Kneer, R.
- > Hasse, C.
Flamelet LES of oxy-fuel swirling flames with different O2/CO2 ratios using directly coupled seamless multi-step solid fuel kinetics, Fuel, 344: 128089, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Nicolai, H.
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Janicka, J.
- > Hasse, C.
Numerical study on the influence of conversion- and temperature-dependent particle radiative properties on pulverised solid fuel flames, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
Comprehensive analysis of the effect of oxyfuel atmospheres on solid fuel combustion using large eddy simulations, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Berkel, L.
- > Steffens, P.
- > Nicolai, H.
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Dreizler, A.
- > Hasse, C.
Chemical reactor network modeling of a self-sustained solid fuel combustion chamber under oxy-fuel atmospheres, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Berkel, L.
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Nicolai, H.
- > Faravelli, T.
- > Hasse, C.
Modeling homogeneous ignition processes of clustering solid particle clouds in isotropic turbulence, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Farmand, P.
- > Nicolai, H.
- > Hasse, C.
- > Pitsch, H.
Large eddy simulation of a 40 kW self-sustained pulverized biomass combustion chamber using tabulated chemistry, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
Development of a multiphase chemical reactor network method as a tool for simulating biomass gasification in fluidized beds, Fuel, 357: 129731, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Berkel, L.
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Nicolai, H.
- > Hasse, C.
- > Faravelli, T.
Influence of Gas Radiation, Particle Radiation Interactions, and Conversion-Dependent Particle Radiative Properties on Pulverized Solid Fuel Combustion, 31. Deutscher Flammentag, 2023.
Assessment of turbulence modulation for the simulation of a 60 kWth swirling flame of pulverized solid fuel under oxy-fuel conditions, 14. International Conference on Computational Heat and Mass Transfer, 2023.
Towards Using LES for Analysis of Combustion Characteristics in a Semi-Industrial Biomass Burner, 14th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Berkel, L.
- > Steffens, P.
- > Nicolai, H.
- > Hasse, C.
Numerical study on the influence of devolatilisation kinetics on pulverised solid fuel turbulent swirling flames under oxyfuel conditions, 14th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers, 2024.
Investigation of the Coupling Schemes between the Discrete and the Continuous Phase in the Numerical Simulation of a 60 kWth Swirling Pulverised Solid Fuel Flame under Oxyfuel Conditions, Fire, 7 (6): 185, 2024.
Investigation of the Coupling Schemes between the Discrete and the Continuous Phase in the Numerical Simulation of a 60 kWth Swirling Pulverised Solid Fuel Flame under Oxyfuel Conditions – Supplementary Dataset, RWTH Aachen University, 2024.
Modeling of NOx emissions in laminar solid pulverized biomass fuels flames, 19th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Farmand, P.
- > Nicolai, H.
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Hasse, C.
- > Pitsch, H.
Swirling coal and biomass flames, 4th Workshop on Clean Solids Conversion, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Nicolai, H.
- > Geschwindner, C.
Homogeneous ignition and volatile flame structure of single bituminous coal and walnut shell particles: Effects of particle size and gas atmosphere, Fuel, 371: 131955, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Li, T.
- > Farmand, P.
- > Nicolai, H.
- > Hasse, C.
- > Pitsch, H.
- > Böhm, B.
LES of a swirl-stabilized 40 kWth biomass flame and comparison to a coal flame, Fuel, 372: 132098, 2024.
Modeling homogeneous ignition processes of clustering solid particle clouds in isotropic turbulence, Fuel, 371: 132054, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Farmand, P.
- > Nicolai, H.
- > Hasse, C.
- > Pitsch, H.
Radiation modelling considering burnout-dependent properties and cellwise non-uniform particle distributions in the numerical simulation of pulverised solid fuel combustion, Fuel, 381: 133338, 2025.
Radiation modelling considering burnout-dependent properties and cellwise non-uniform particle distributions in the numerical simulation of pulverised solid fuel combustion – Dataset, RWTH Aachen University, 2024.
C3(F) - Spectral modeling of thermal radiation in Oxy-Fuel pulverized coal flames
Quantification of the influence of parameters determining radiative heat transfer in an oxy-fuel operated boiler, Fuel Processing Technology, 157: 76-89, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Epple, B.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Kneer, R.
A comprehensive evaluation of different radiation models in a gas turbine combustor under conditions of oxy-fuel combustion with dry recycle, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 172: 121-133, 2016.
- Go to authors:
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Epple, B.
Assessment of several gas radiation models for radiative heat transfer calculations in a three-dimensional oxy-fuel furnace under coal-fired conditions, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 120: 289-302, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Epple, B.
CFD Simulation of an Oxy-fuel Demonstration Power Plant with Application of a WSGG radiation model, Energy Procedia, 158: 1993-1998, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Epple, B.
Investigation of gas and particle radiation modelling in wet oxy-coal combustion atmospheres, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 133: 1026-1040, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Kneer, R.
- > Epple, B.
Evaluation of gas radiation models regarding their applicability to 3D simulations of oxyfuel combustion systems, 2nd International Workshop on Oxy-fuel Combustion, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > Ströhle, J.
Entwicklung eines Weighted-Sum-of-Gray-Gases Modells zur Berücksichtigung nicht-grauer Strahlungseigenschaften von Partikeln in Feststoffverbrennungen, 29. Deutscher Flammentag, Bochum, Germany, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Koch, M.
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Kneer, R.
3D CFD Simulation of a 250 MWel Oxy-fuel Boiler with Evaluation of Heat Radiation Calculation, 14th International Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Epple, B.
Experimental and modeling assessment of sulfur release from coal under low and high heating rates, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Debiagi, P.
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Epple, B.
- > Faravelli, T.
- > Hasse, C.
Large-eddy simulation of a bluff-body stabilised nonpremixed flame with radiation heat transfer, Combustion Theory and Modelling, 133: 1-18, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Janicka, J.
Simulation study of the formation of corrosive gases in coal combustion in an entrained flow reactor, Energies, 13 (17): 4523, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Epple, B.
3D CFD simulation of a 250 MWel oxy-fuel boiler with evaluation of heat radiation calculation, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 137, 2021.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Epple, B.
3D CFD Simulation of a 250 MWel Oxy-fuel Boiler with Evaluation of Heat Radiation Calculation, 29. Deutscher Flammentag, Bochum, Germany, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Epple, B.
C4 - Modelling of radiative properties of pulverised biomass particles during oxy-fuel combustion
Modeling of particle radiation interaction in solid fuel combustion with artificial neural networks, Journal of Power Technologies, 96 (3): 206-211, 2016.
- Go to authors:
- > Kneer, R.
Modeling of particle radiative properties in coal combustion depending on burnout, Heat and Mass Transfer, 53 (4): 1225-1235, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Kneer, R.
Comparison of scattering behaviour for spherical and non-spherical particles in pulverized coal combustion, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 111: 116-128, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Schröder, W.
- > Kneer, R.
Quantification of the influence of parameters determining radiative heat transfer in an oxy-fuel operated boiler, Fuel Processing Technology, 157: 76-89, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Epple, B.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Kneer, R.
Approximations for particle scattering phase functions in solid fuel combustion, 41st International Technical Conference on Clean Coal & Fuel Systems, Clearwater, Florida, USA, 2016.
- Go to authors:
- > Kneer, R.
Modellierung der Streuung und Absorption von Wärmestrahlung an Partikeln bei der Verbrennung von Kohlenstaub, Jahrestreffen der Fachgruppe Wärme- und Stoffübertragung, Kassel, Germany, 2016.
- Go to authors:
- > Kneer, R.
Investigation of modelling approaches for scattering and absorption properties of particles in pulverized coal combustion, Industrial Combustion (Article Number 201602), 2016.
- Go to authors:
- > Kneer, R.
Influence of Approximations for Particle Scattering Phase Functions on Heat Transfer, 10th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Kneer, R.
Sensitivity Analysis for Parameters for Radiative Heat Transfer in a 3-D pulverized Coal Combustion Scenario, Eurotherm Seminar 110 – Computational Thermal Radiation in Participating Media – VI, Cascais, Portugal, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Kneer, R.
Modeling of Anisotropic Scattering of Thermal Radiation in Pulverized Coal Combustion, Journal of Heat Transfer, 140 (6): 062701, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > Kneer, R.
Investigation of gas and particle radiation modelling in wet oxy-coal combustion atmospheres, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 133: 1026-1040, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Kneer, R.
- > Epple, B.
Comparison of scattering behaviour for inhomogeneous particles in pulverized coal combustion, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 140: 1-7, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Kneer, R.
Influence of Index of Refraction and Particle Size Distribution on Radiative Heat Transfer in a Pulverized Coal Combustion Furnace, Journal of Heat Transfer, 139 (4): 042702, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Kneer, R.
On the importance of particle radiation interaction in the numerical simulation of pulverized coal combustion, 10th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers : INFUB 10, Porto, Portugal, 2015.
- Go to authors:
- > Kneer, R.
A correlation between char emissivity and temperature, Fuel, 256: 115889, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Kneer, R.
Entwicklung eines Weighted-Sum-of-Gray-Gases Modells zur Berücksichtigung nicht-grauer Strahlungseigenschaften von Partikeln in Feststoffverbrennungen, 29. Deutscher Flammentag, Bochum, Germany, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Koch, M.
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Kneer, R.
Comparison of scattering phase functions of reacting and non-reacting pulverised fuel particles, Fuel: 119415, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Koch, M.
- > Pörtner, L.
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Kneer, R.
Dataset to "Comparison of scattering phase functions of reacting and non-reacting pulverised fuel particles", RWTH Aachen University, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Koch, M.
- > Pörtner, L.
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Kneer, R.
Development of a Weighted-Sum-of-Gray-Gases Model for Modeling Radiative Heat Transfer in Coal-Fired Oxy-Fuel Boilers, 9th International Symposium on Radiative Transfer, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Koch, M.
- > Kneer, R.
Einfluss inhomogener Partikelverteilungen innerhalb dichter Partikelwolken auf die Wärmestrahlung bei der Feststoffverbrennung, 30. Deutscher Flammentag, 2021.
- Go to authors:
- > Koch, M.
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Kneer, R.
Entwicklung eines Experimentes zur Messung der Streuung von Wärmestrahlung an akustisch levitierenden Partikeln, 29. Deutscher Flammentag, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Koch, M.
- > Kneer, R.
Numerical investigation of the radiative properties of a fully resolved particle cloud, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 185: 108102, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Koch, M.
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Kneer, R.
Biomass particle radiation interaction and the effect of shape and structure simplifications, 12th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Koch, M.
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Kneer, R.
Numerical study on the influence of conversion- and temperature-dependent particle radiative properties on pulverised solid fuel flames, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
Coupling radiative properties with detailed char conversion kinetics, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Koch, M.
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Tarlinski, D.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Kneer, R.
Investigations on solid fuel particle porosities and their influence on the particle radiation interaction, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
Influence of Gas Radiation, Particle Radiation Interactions, and Conversion-Dependent Particle Radiative Properties on Pulverized Solid Fuel Combustion, 31. Deutscher Flammentag, 2023.
Numerical investigation of the radiative properties of fully resolved polydisperse particle clouds, 17. International Heat Transfer Conference, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Koch, M.
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Kneer, R.
Experimentelle Untersuchung der Streu- und Absorptionseigenschaften von Biomassepartikeln, 31. Deutscher Flammentag, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Koch, M.
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Kneer, R.
Daten zu "Experimentelle Untersuchung der Streu- und Absorptionseigenschaften von Biomassepartikeln", RWTH Aachen University, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Koch, M.
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Kneer, R.
Biomass particle-radiation-interaction and the effect of shape and structure simplifications, Fuel, 361, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Koch, M.
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Kneer, R.
Coupling radiative properties with detailed char conversion kinetics, Fuel, 363: 130973, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Koch, M.
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Tarlinski, D.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Kneer, R.
Dataset to "Coupling radiative properties with detailed char conversion kinetics", RWTH Aachen University, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Koch, M.
- > Tarlinski, D.
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Kneer, R.
Experimental determination of the optical properties of walnut shell particles, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 329: 109202, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Koch, M.
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Kneer, R.
Dataset to "Experimental determination of the optical properties of walnut shell particles", RWTH Aachen University, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Koch, M.
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Kneer, R.
Radiation modelling considering burnout-dependent properties and cellwise non-uniform particle distributions in the numerical simulation of pulverised solid fuel combustion, Fuel, 381: 133338, 2025.
Radiation modelling considering burnout-dependent properties and cellwise non-uniform particle distributions in the numerical simulation of pulverised solid fuel combustion – Dataset, RWTH Aachen University, 2024.
C5 - Measurement of the radiative properties of solid fuel particles in oxy-fuel atmospheres
An attempt to measure the emissivity of burning coal particles in Oxy-fuel atmospheres: Test rig calibration and first results, 40th International Technical Conference on Clean Coal & Fuel Systems, Clearwater, Florida, USA, 2015.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
Char particle emissivity of two coal chars in oxy-fuel atmospheres, Fuel, 183: 405-413, 2016.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
Quantification of the influence of parameters determining radiative heat transfer in an oxy-fuel operated boiler, Fuel Processing Technology, 157: 76-89, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Epple, B.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Kneer, R.
Emissivity of burning bituminous coal char particles – Burnout effects, Fuel, 196: 336-343, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
Combustion investigations with Colombian coal: Summary of experiments and numerical interpretation, 42nd International Technical Conference on Clean Energy, Clearwater, Florida, USA, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
Emissivity Comparison between Chars and Demineralized Coal Chars under Oxycombustion Conditions, Chemical Engineering & Technology, 41 (7): 1490-1496, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > Cerciello, F.
- > Muhler, M.
- > Schiemann, M.
A correlation between char emissivity and temperature, Fuel, 256: 115889, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Kneer, R.
3D CFD Simulation of a 250 MWel Oxy-fuel Boiler with Evaluation of Heat Radiation Calculation, 14th International Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Epple, B.
Influence of the Mineral Content on the Emissivity of Hydrothermal Char, Chemical Engineering & Technology, 43 (5): 1016-1020, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Pörtner, L.
- > Schiemann, M.
Investigations on the emissivity of burning coal char particles: Influence of particle temperature and composition of reaction atmosphere, Fuel, 263: 116714, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
Comparison of scattering phase functions of reacting and non-reacting pulverised fuel particles, Fuel: 119415, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Koch, M.
- > Pörtner, L.
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Kneer, R.
Investigation of Pulverized Biomass and Coal Char Emissivity, Energies, 13 (18): 4620, 2020.
- Go to authors:
- > Pörtner, L.
- > Schiemann, M.
Char emissivity measurements for coal chars, 9th European Combustion Meeting, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Pörtner, L.
Sensitivity Analysis for Parameters for Radiative Heat Transfer in a 3-D pulverized Coal Combustion Scenario, Eurotherm Seminar 110 – Computational Thermal Radiation in Participating Media – VI, Cascais, Portugal, 2018.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Kneer, R.
3D CFD simulation of a 250 MWel oxy-fuel boiler with evaluation of heat radiation calculation, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 137, 2021.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Epple, B.
3D CFD Simulation of a 250 MWel Oxy-fuel Boiler with Evaluation of Heat Radiation Calculation, 29. Deutscher Flammentag, Bochum, Germany, 2019.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Epple, B.
Optimization of a setup to investigate the morphology and emissivity of coal and biomass particles during burnout, 46th International Technical Conference on Clean Energy, 2022.
- Go to authors:
- > Pörtner, L.
- > Schiemann, M.
Investigations on solid fuel particle porosities and their influence on the particle radiation interaction, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
Radiometer concept for spectral resolved radiation heat flux measurements, 31. Deutscher Flammentag, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Pörtner, L.
- > Özer, B.
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Maßmeyer, A.
Dataset to "Comparison of scattering phase functions of reacting and non-reacting pulverised fuel particles", RWTH Aachen University, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Koch, M.
- > Pörtner, L.
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Kneer, R.
Spectral resolved radiative heat flux measurements in a combustion chamber, 14th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers, 2024.
Porosity of biomass char: A novel determination method and changes in walnut shell with progressing pyrolysis, 48th International Conference on Clean Energy, 2024.
C6(F) - Measurement of the temperature depending spectral emissivity of ashes and deposits under Oxy-Fuel conditions
Influence of chemical composition and physical structure on normal radiant emittance characteristics of ash deposits, Fuel, 134: 307-314, 2014.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
An Examination on the Influence of the Oxidation State of Iron on the Spectral Radiative Emittance of Synthetic Ash Layers, 40th International Technical Conference on Clean Coal & Fuel Systems, Clearwater, Florida, USA, 2015.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Scherer, V.
Quantification of the influence of parameters determining radiative heat transfer in an oxy-fuel operated boiler, Fuel Processing Technology, 157: 76-89, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Schiemann, M.
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Epple, B.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Kneer, R.
Influence of Carbonate Decomposition on Normal Spectral Radiative Emittance in the Context of Oxyfuel Combustion, Energy & Fuels, 30 (11): 9752-9760, 2016.
- Go to authors:
- > Scherer, V.
Comparison of normal spectral emittance of sulfates and carbonates – significant mineral classes of ashes under oxy-fuel conditions, Combura Symposium, Soesterberg, Netherlands, 2016.
- Go to authors:
- > Scherer, V.
Normal Radiative Emittance of Coal Ash Sulfates in the Context of Oxyfuel Combustion, Energy & Fuels, 31 (4): 4400-4406, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Scherer, V.
Key parameters for the radiative emittance of ashes of solid fuels, Energy Procedia, 120: 181-188, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Scherer, V.
The Influence of Temperature on the Spectral Emittance of Ash Deposits taken from a 1.5 MW, Pulverized Coal Test Facility, 42nd International Technical Conference on Clean Energy, Clearwater, Florida, USA, 2017.
- Go to authors:
- > Scherer, V.
C7 - Experimental investigation on the interaction of flame stability, radiation, burnout, and emissions in a semi-industrial-scale swirl-stabilised oxy-fuel furnance
Up-scaling of a lab-scale oxyfuel burner to a 1 MWth semi-industrial oxyfuel combustion chamber, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Maßmeyer, A.
- > Askarizadeh, H.
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Epple, B.
Release of nitrogen gas species during combustion and pyrolysis of walnut shells in an entrained flow reactor, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Epple, B.
Release of Sulfur and Chlorine Gas Species during Combustion and Pyrolysis of Walnut Shells in an Entrained Flow Reactor, Energies, 16 (15): 5684, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Epple, B.
Untersuchung der Flammenstabilität und thermischen Strahlung in einer 1-MWth-Brennkammer unter Oxyfuel-Bedingungen, 31. Deutscher Flammentag, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Özer, B.
- > Maßmeyer, A.
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Epple, B.
Spectral resolved radiative heat flux measurements in a combustion chamber, 14th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers, 2024.
Radiative Heat Flux Measurement in a Semi-Industrial Oxyfuel Combustion Chamber with Biomass and Coal, Energies, 17 (11): 2735, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > König, D.
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Epple, B.
Up-scaling of a laboratory-scale pulverised oxyfuel burner to semi-industrial-scale through a flow similarity approach, Fuel, 371: 131809, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Ströhle, J.
- > Epple, B.
S - Optimisation and management of an integrated simulation platform for large-scale simulations of oxy-fuel combustion
Numerical investigation and assessment of flamelet-based models for the prediction of pulverized solid fuel homogeneous ignition and combustion, Combustion and Flame, 235: 111693, 2022.
T1 - Oxy-fuel combustion of Refuse Derived Fuels (RDF) under cement kiln conditions
Analysis of the impact of RDF combustion on cement clinker quality in a superstoichiometric oxy-fuel atmosphere by CFD simulations, 12th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Streier, R.
- > Scherer, V.
Experimental investigation of RDF combustion for the optimisation of CFD simulations of oxy-fuel-fired cement kilns, 4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Solana Gómez, R.
- > Streier, R.
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Kneer, R.
- > Scherer, V.
Analysis of the Impact of RDF Combustion on Cement Clinker Quality in a Superstoichiometric Oxy-Fuel Atmosphere by CFD Simulations, Combustion Science and Technology, online: 1-19, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Streier, R.
- > Scherer, V.
Determination of the statistical distribution of drag and lift coefficients of refuse derived fuel by computer vision, Fuel, 352: 128847, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Streier, R.
- > Scherer, V.
Experimentelle Bestimmung der Pyrolysekinetik von Ersatzbrennstoffen, 31. Deutscher Flammentag, 2023.
- Go to authors:
- > Solana Gómez, R.
- > Streier, R.
- > Pielsticker, S.
- > Scherer, V.
- > Kneer, R.
Single particle RDF conversion models for oxy-fuel conditions: Simulation and experiments, 14th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers, 2024.
- Go to authors:
- > Streier, R.
- > Solana Gómez, R.
- > Kneer, R.
- > Scherer, V.
Z - General coordination and administration of the collaborative research centre
4th International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion – Book of Abstracts, Naples, Italy, 2023. doi