
Experimental investigation of pulverised biomass combustion for validation of numerical models

C1 is the central validation project of Oxyflame. The main objective is the detailed measurement of different and defined swirl stabilized pulverized solid fuel flames in air and Oxy-Fuel atmosphere to gain validation data for numerical models which are developed within other projects of the CRC/TRR 129 Oxyflame (e.g. the transient simulation of an entire Oxy-Fuel combustion chamber). The quantities to be measured are the gas and particle velocities, gas compositions, gas and particle temperatures, gas radiation and OH*- chemiluminescence. During this period the existing combustion chamber and the swirl burner, which was developed during an earlier project at the WSA, are going to be used. High spatial resolution optical laser methods are applied in order to gain detailed knowledge of the flow field. The optical laser methods are developed and provided within the project B4 of the CRC/TRR 129 Oxyflame. For the second period it is planned to use the newly developed or adapted absorption spectroscopic measurement techniques (line-of-sight ) for non - invasive determination of gas temperature and gas composition within the project B5. Until these methods are available the established measurement probe techniques are applied.

Furthermore, the two-color pyrometer, which was developed at the WSA institute, is improved in order to determine temperature data of the individual particles in the pulverized solid fuel-flame. Together with the project C3 a concept for spectral measurements of the heat radiation will be prepared. This concept will be converted during the second period to gain validation data for the developed models to describe the gas radiation during the combustion.